Rimuru world creation

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As Rimuru Tempest, the all-powerful and charming demon lord that I am, I found myself in a rather peculiar situation. Raichel, my parallel existence in this particular reality, had punished me, Veldora, and Veldanava by decreeing that we couldn't eat anything for a grueling six months. A rather harsh punishment, I must say, but a fun challenge for someone like me.Messing with time isn't enough for its seems..

Of course, being the incredible being that I am, I couldn't just sit around and twiddle my thumbs. Boredom was not something I relished. So, what did I do? I decided to create my own world. Why not, right?

In this new world, I brought forth beings like anomalies, fairies, angels, devils, fantasy animals, monster gods and goddesses—you name it, and they sprang to life. I designed different fantasy worlds, each with its own unique origin story for every monster.

But that wasn't all. I ventured into the creation of worlds that held the essence of greater spirits. Some of these worlds birthed primal devils, stemming from the greater spirit of Darkness, while others saw angels emerge from the greater spirit of Light. It is endless in variety of each creation orgins.

In the realm of the greatest spirit worlds, I played around with different concepts such as time, fate, fire, and space. Each world had its own distinct laws, energy of creation, and even subatomic particles. Yes, even at the tiniest level, space-time itself was different in each world, each one with its unique set of laws governing reality.

And then, there were dimensions—countless dimensions. Some held worlds where narratives twisted and turned, where life took on new forms, and where every conceivable concept ceased to exist. Others existed outside the boundaries of any story, their existence outside the narrative itself.

But there was more. In this grand tapestry of creation, I wove worlds with hierarchies in an endless cycle of narration. Some dimensions existed in a space-time where endless expansion lost all meaning because it was already infinite. The size of these worlds made the concept of dimension scale irrelevant.

In one whimsical moment, I even created a dimension with no size, shape, or concept of expansion—a vast expanse where the very idea of expanse ceased to have meaning.

For fun, I dabbled in creating a sword that defied physics, just because I could. The creation of entire worlds became a trivial task, like a walk in the park, all powered by my turn null energy. Maybe for you, it's incomprehensible, but for me, it was second nature.

What's more, I populated these worlds with various fictional settings, from the realms of the ToAA in Marvel to the presence of DC characters. It all fit snugly under the umbrella of my endless dimensional space, each story a mere drop in the vast sea of space-time I'd constructed.

And here I am, basking in the glory of my creations, even without seeking Ciel's help. After all, why bother when I possess the knowledge and power to shape and reshape reality as I see fit? It's funny, though, how she proclaims to be my wife. Well, she and I are the same being, in the end as we shared the same soul

So, if you're impressed, feel free to praise me. After all, I'm Rimuru Tempest, the one and only.

Oh one more thing I read every fiction in every parallel world some fiction orgin vastly different as examples fairy tale have featherine while in your world it is different I know.. Oh well its seems like tesla collapsed again after seeing veldora  manga style texture he tried to copy me.



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