Rimuru created world out of boredom

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Rimuru bored while he get scolded by Veldanava so for immersing himself more he created worlds out of sheer boredom for fun.

"Lets creat some world *sob that bastard scold me just because I came late " rimuru muttered himself

<......> Ciel

At its core lay the Infinity amount of Beyond Omniverse, a realms holding countless Greater Beyond Omniverses, each containing its own gods and observers. Within one of these Greater Beyond Omniverses rested another layer of greatness, and the cycle continued into an infinite regression, with each tier boasting its own gods and realms. To be more accurate terms a space holding countless space time in each as spacial order as higher dimension hold countless infinity space which also is space which transcend other space time in it each as higher order its smple but not practical to create as rimuru need to create a concep of such which didnt used to exist in linear and beyond fashion with worldline along with it. 

Within this cosmic tapestry, each Greater Omniverse held an infinity of lesser Omniverses, each comprising worlds with infinite variations. These worlds spanned across dimensions, realms, alternative realities, timelines, and layers of universe, each unique and governed by distinct laws and principles. Human origins differed, and the very fabric of reality varied from one layer to another.

As one delved deeper into the multipledimensional levels, from the first dimension to an infinity of dimensions, the quality of existence increased. In this intricate structure, every layer perceived the one below as fiction, even the works of mortal authors like DC, Marvel, and others. These fictional worlds were but stories among story created by mortals to the layers above.

In this unimaginable structure, countless gods of creation existed, each responsible for crafting their own realities. They, too, were unaware that they existed within the vast imaginary space of Rimuru. These gods, in their creative fervor, generated an infinity of parallel worlds, timelines, and gods embodying various concepts. Unbeknownst to each of them, their creations were seen as mere fiction by higher gods in the hierarchy. As they think they are omniscent and omnipotent who created the infinity amount of god of creation bellow but it isn't.

Every sect had its own rules of science, diverse multiverse theories, and worlds resembling RPGs or fantastical realms. The diversity in origin stories, cosmologies, and the fundamental nature of existence was staggering.

As Rimuru Tempest observed from the shadows of his imaginary space, the gods of creation continued their work, oblivious to the fact that their infinite creations were mere figments in the imagination of a bored and immensely powerful being—the Chaos Creator, Rimuru Tempest.

<Master do you have any problems why you everytime creating worlds like this every second you bored .. > Ciel

"*Sob Veldanava scold me.." Rimuru said in sobber

< That wasn't a good explanation for it..> Ciel

"Dont be like that Ciel I mean my imaginary space is never will reach end point yet so I thought.. you know..." Rimuru said

<Then why don't you also create a metaphysical world and hierarchy system infinitly to if you so bored in imaginary space..> Ciel said annoyance

"That's an good idea Ciel..." Rimuru said

As Ciel suggested he do it,

The hierarchy of layered existence, the upper echelons gaze down upon the bottommost tiers with an imperious disdain, perceiving the infinite intricacies below as nothing more than a tapestry of low-dimensional, low-quality creations..

At the summit of this cosmic hierarchy layers, beings of unfathomable might and their insight look down upon the layers below, where gods of creation labor in blissful ignorance. To these superior entities in upper layer , the myriad worlds, realms, timelines, and possibilities , dimensions crafted by the gods are mere trifles—finite, low-dimensional constructs lacking the grandeur and sophistication befitting the higher dimensions. As the lower layer have infinity number of parrallel world, reality, timeline , reality and different world with different laws , cause and effect..

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