Devil king and demon king.

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In the cosmic theater of creation in one of the creation of god of creation which created by Rimuru

(A/n It is not rimuru story.. just skip it if you don't like it as I trying to add some short chapter as with new content unrelated to the story well I like to continue the normal story but you know it's kinda funny I like to creat some lore inside the story as unrelated to Rimuru but also heavily related to him in some way sorry if I am using somany repeated contents again and again )

Demon King Azrath and Devil King Belial, once allies ruling adjacent dominions for twelve millennia, descended into a bitter conflict that echoed through the abyss. Azrath, draped in heartless malevolence, reveled in chaos, while Belial, a cunning trickster, manipulated the depths of hell with prideful deception.

Their realms, once bound by alliance, transformed into hostile territories as the reverberations of their clashing ambitions spanned across eons. Atop the infernal peaks of Hell, the two monarchs convened in a realm-neutral zone, surrounded by ethereal energies that bore witness to their clash.

Azrath, with arrogance in his voice, declared, "Belial, your deceit and charm hold no sway in my dominion of absolute darkness."

Wearing a sly grin, Belial retorted, "hah , Azrath, your heartlessness lacks the finesse of my playful schemes in Hell. Your abyss pales in comparison to the depth of my cunning. Your even make even the demonlord hate you because of sin you doing."

The exchange spiraled into a hateful dialogue, the animosity between them etched in every word. Failing to find common ground, the demon and devil kings chose to sever the ties between their realms. With ancient incantations and forbidden rituals, they closed the gateways linking their respective realms , erecting an impenetrable barrier forged from the essence of their bitter enmity.

As the gateways shut, realms energies resonated with the clash of demonic and devilish power. Shared planes of existence became isolated, each ruler confined to their universe-sized dominion or perhaps more accurate will be both are now seprate timeline once used to single timeline without causality now causality exist so time is.

Upon returning to the depths of Hell, Devil King Belial's annoyance simmered like molten embers. The ethereal glow of the abyss reflected his displeasure as he traversed the twisted corridors of his infernal domain.

Addressing his loyal servants, who awaited him with bowed heads, Belial's voice dripped with both frustration and a hint of amusement. "My loyal Minions of the abyss, heed my words. The ties with Azrath's realm have been severed. No longer shall we entertain the farce of our once-allied kin."

His demonic courtiers, accustomed to the whims of their capricious monarch, exchanged wary glances but remained silent.

"In my absence," Belial continued, "the abyss seems to have forgotten the brilliance of my schemes, the finesse of my deceptions. Azrath thinks he can overshadow the depths with his darkness. Foolish."

As his annoyance manifested into a more calculated resolve, Belial paced the obsidian halls, trailed by the subtle flicker of ethereal flames.

"Send forth envoys," he commanded. "Inform the other realms of our newfound independence. The abyss shall flourish under my rule, unburdened by the shadow of that heartless Azrath."

The servants bowed once more, acknowledging their lord's decree, yet the atmosphere hung heavy with the tension of newfound isolation.

In the dimly lit chambers, as the echoes of his footsteps reverberated through the abyss, Belial plotted the next act in the  drama.

Mean while in abyss

In the abyssal expanse where shadows danced with malevolence, Demon King Azrath brooded within his realm of absolute darkness. The once-shared dominion now echoed with the haunting absence of Belial's devilish influence.

Azrath's irritation simmered as he navigated through the abyss, tendrils of inky darkness trailing behind him. In the cavernous halls of his kingdom, demonic subjects awaited their sovereign's return, bowing in deference to the ruler of eternal night.

With a voice that resonated like distant thunder, Azrath addressed his minions, "The ties with Belial's deceitful realm have been severed. No longer shall we tolerate the mockery of our erstwhile ally. His games are but feeble sparks in the vast darkness that is my domain."

The demons, accustomed to the tyrannical rule of their king, exchanged wary glances but dared not voice dissent.

"In the void left by Belial's absence," Azrath proclaimed, "the abyss shall know the purest essence of darkness. No trickster's illusions shall cloud our dominion. We are the harbingers of eternal night, and our rule shall cast a shadow upon all realms."

As Azrath's proclamation hung in the air, the abyss quivered with an intensified gloom. The Demon King, surrounded by an aura of profound darkness, contemplated the unfolding narrative of his solitary reign.

"Dispatch emissaries," he commanded.

"Inform the neighboring realms that the abyss stands alone, freed from the frivolities of alliances. The time has come for the darkness to engulf all, unbound by the whims of that charming Belial."
As envoys departed to carry out their lord's will, Azrath, with eyes gleaming with infernal resolve, prepared to assert his dominance..

While in the vastness of his imaginary world, Rimuru, the Demon Lord, or our chaos creator observed the escalating small chaos in the realms below with a smirk. The drama unfolding between Azrath and Belial amused him, but a more pressing matter occupied Rimuru's thoughts.

"Well, that escalated quickly," Rimuru mused, contemplating the severed ties between the demon and devil kings.

"I should find a way to Veldanava before he scolds me. It's always a hassle, and I didnt getting being scolded every time for small reason as creating world unconnected by any causality outside the world ."Rimuru said

. "I made a world for fun, and if Veldanava discovers it, he'll surely scold me. Better not let him find out. I'd rather not endure Raichel's wrath, either. I can't bear the thought of her withholding food for a year. She may be younger, but she's not someone I can scold back. She's not even my subordinate; she's my parallel counterpart, blissfully unaware of the connection ofcource. I am living in her kingdom"Chaos creator, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, continued his musings

"Veldanava might scold me we've been friends for twelve billion years or so but Raichel is just four years old. In her human experience, she's barely reached 25. I, on the other hand, am older than time itself." He said with wry smile played on Rimuru's lips as he considered the potential consequences of his antics

The Demon Lord, with a mixture of amusement and calculated concern, pondered to avoiding the reprimands of both an ancient friend and a toddlerish parallel counterpart.

<Master how about I inform it...> Ciel said with smug sound

"But how your gonna inform...?" Rimuru asked in his smug look
Here it is not gonna lie I didn't plan on making Rimuru stay here long

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