Multiverse created Veldanava in lower reality

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(don't need to read it was complete nonsense I made up myself if you feel irrelevant to story just skip it I write it out of boredom nothing significant)

Have you ever heard of the multiverse? Of course, you have. But what if I told you that the multiverse isn't just about an infinite number of parallel worlds with different events? Let's consider that, in this context, the multiverse also encompasses events that are entirely different in nature, not merely parallel or slightly varied.

Now, you might be thinking, doesn't the concept of timelines qualify as part of the multiverse? The answer is no. Timelines can be considered 4D, involving time, and go up to 7D, as universes can be split into different timeline variations on dimensional scale. This occurs when someone manipulates the timeline to create a different event without destroying the previous one. Such alterations can only be achieved by beings of 5D or higher dimensions. If a world resists the change and reverts to its original timeline, it might remain within the 7D or lower if the change isn't on the scale of a 5D being.yes only effect it only about predistiny timeline. Not about unpredictinct timeline .

Don't get too hung up on dimensional theory based on real-life science, as we're discussing a world that sees scientific theories as mere suggestions.

Now, when we talk about parallel worlds, any change in events qualifies as a multiverse. So, don't be misled by claims of infinite timelines; it's merely the perspective of someone who considers a single universe's timeline to be a multiverse. As it infinity timeline of single universe still happening same event and have same laws. As past, present , future already happening same thing even if it is infinity..

Let's simplify things. Rimuru's Akashic Record records every event and timeline in this multitude of parallel worlds. Every world, be it the Cardinal World, the World of Fantasies with different events, or the Modern World where earth as planet said to be, has its own set of events to creat irrelevant number of parrallel world and an infinite number of timelines for one world. Every world and earth have it own historical event different to each other.

But here's where it gets intriguing. There's another type of multiverse, a concept that transcends the laws of physics and dimensions as we know them. In this world, even the laws of physics, gravity, and causality can be fundamentally different. Such variations can lead to entirely unique experiences across each multiverse. As you should already know about world with different laws as spiritual world , world of fantasy , physical world , cardinal world as it have overlapping by heaven ,spiritual world , hell etc

But there is also a world which everything based on mathematics..

I call this world the "Calculus World," where everything, from laws to concepts, is entirely different. In this world, mastery of mathematics can grant control over fundamental aspects of reality, allowing one to manipulate temperature, genetic code, and even subatomic particles , even time to dimension

In the Calculus World, there are incredible possibilities unlocked through mathematical manipulation. Consider this: with mathematical multiplication, you can clone yourself as many times as you want, creating multiples of your existence. You can effectively become ×2, ×3, or any multiple you desire, each instance of yourself coexisting simultaneously. By cloning yourself or whatever you call.

But that's not all. In this world, you can rewrite the very laws of nature with the precision of mathematics. For instance, by altering the mathematical calculation of temperature, you can bring it down to -5 degrees, freezing the environment to your liking.

And if you possess the mathematical prowess, you can perform a feat that seems impossible in conventional understanding—you can halt time, not just for yourself but for the entire parallel worlds of calculus and its timelines. With the correct mathematical calculations, you can pause the flow of time itself, creating a state of temporal stasis where everything remains frozen until you decide to resume the mathematical equation. Not just that you can even make different world with mathematical

This Calculus World, with its mathematical possibilitieies, whereere the very fabric of reality is inhabitants to shape and mold.

Yeah the world is created by Veldanava in lower reality
As he currently with Rimuru and veldora in earth early 19s where he teaching tesla some quantum and dimensioning theory..he is in world created by other creator god like him not by him currently..

If you saying about Rimuru imaginary space and stuff don't dwell it too much rimuru is from higher reality of the toppest 2

If you think reality hierarchy and dimensioning is same your completely wrong.. dimensioning is all about size  view point and how you see.. as we humans can only see as point of view as 2D but we are 3D being with our body shape..

But reality hierarchy is completely different as one see another one as nothing more than a pebble or fictional Rimuru came from toppest of reality if he used little aura on just one step bellow reality it feel like endless to them even beings surpasses concept of dimension and space time.. but Rimuru currently in top 1000 hierarchy reality with Veldanava of that reality for fun but  that didn't mean he isn't top 2 he go to any reality hierarchy as he wish..

You can even say Rimuru subordinate gobta energy feel to vast and endless to top 3 reality in hierarchy even for the creator god in what it felt for Rimuru presence to Veldanava in top 1000 reality..

Maybe the reality is felt like irrelevant number of paradox as the reality hierarchy is in irrelevant number without bottom but with top as Rimuru reality ,above reality of god who even created turn null a primodial energy..

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