olivia status .

272 36 2

Name:Olivia(name for convinient)

Ep: 10 million( 2 million extra with her sword named nenjanya)

Gender: No definite gender identify as olivia nothing more

Age: concept age didnt applied because of overlapping space time continumm she born in

Race: non | concept of end or entropy

Title: none | maybe will get in future 

Ultimate Skill: king of stars - Uvhash:

Fate Manipulation:User manipulate the threads of destiny, altering the fates of individuals and civilizations etc.

Probability Manipulation: The Lord of Stars holds sway over probabilities, tipping the cosmic scales in favor of desired outcomes.

Star Dust Manipulation: star dust for various purposes, from creation to destruction.

Cause and Effect Manipulation:With control over causality

Thought Acceleration :up to 1 Billion

All of Creation : unravels concealed truths, exposing the secrets of existence hidden within.

Space-Time Domination: exerts dominance over space and time, manipulating these fundamental dimensions at will.

Life and death manipulation : can creat soul and will , kill a being without doing any magic

Logic Manipulation: can bends the rules of logic itself, reshaping the fundamental principles that govern the universe according to users will.( comparable to susano of shion.)

Event manipulation: can change any events she find annoying example she can wish to change some one who win in war she can change it to they lost in single timeline with effecting past , future , present

Multidimensional barrier: its layer barrier which also have effect consist of entropy which projectile is useless , fate manipulation and other meta ability is useless as the barrier turn into end of of said attack , passive ability is also included the attack will instead go to redirect at the place everything end even  concept of space time.. Its also have multidimensional and transdimensional capabilities

Thought acceleration upto 2 billion

Instrinct skill: universal shape shift , universal perception

Physical attack nullification , mental attack nullification , alignment nullification , holy demonic attack nullification , spiritual attack resistance on high degree , meta attack nullification

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