I'm so glad when daddy comes home

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Jessica's picture>>>>>^^


"Olivia I swear to god if you don't go home." I shook my head in frustration. I took in her appearance and once again shook my head at the ridiculously short dress and heels she was wearing. along with a cabinet full of makeup plastered onto her face. She honestly looked like a slutty barbie doll.

" You left without telling mom where you were going. And you took that with you." she motioned to our little sister as she slowly moved and hid behind my legs. " Can I just say that she is pissed. And now she is going to be even more mad because you were mean to me." She smiled in satisfaction. and jutted her hip out to one side.

I sighed because I knew she was right. I should have told my mother where I was going. I knew how dangerous the streets were. Honestly though, were only going around the block to the park. I figured that it wouldn't that big of a deal. I knew my pathetic excuse for a mother wouldn't be worried about me, but rather her youngest daughter Tiffany.

" Yea, yea lets just go." I mumbled under my breath and pushed past her. I was beyond irritated. I just hope my father was home. He wouldn't let my mom hit me.

I stopped walking and slowly pried Tiffany's small hands off of the backs of my legs. " Tif c'mon lets go home yea." she pouted and crossed her little arms over her chest.

" I thought we were going to the park Jessie. You said we could go to the park." Her bottom lip started to tremble.

" Hey hey. C'mon baby girl." I lifted her into my arms and she hid her face in the crook of my neck while she started to cry. " We can go and play with all the new Barbie dolls you got last week. How does that sound." I whispered in her ear.

She whipped her head up and smiled a bright toothless grin. " Really!" She started bouncing again. " oh we can play with my new doll house too and..." She rambled on and on. I occasionally laughed at all the silly things her young imagination came up with. I set her back down on the side walk and held her hand tightly in my own again. The streets really were dangerous.

We had people that were supposed to be here to protect us. Like the police, back in old America. These days though they took bribes from the highest bidder, and stuck their heads in the ground. It angered me to no end. If I had any say in the world, a lot would be changing.

Once we made it back to the front door I braced my ears for the abuse they would be taking momentarily. I unlocked the door and pushed it open letting Tif and Olivia go in first. I walked in last, and closed and locked the door again behind me. My mother was standing at the foot of the stairs glaring daggers at me. No surprise there.

" Where did you think you were going? You little brat!" She yelled a angrily. I winced. her voice scratched at my ear drums, causing them to ache.

" Tiffany asked to go to the park and so I just though I would take her and-" I rambled on till I was loudly, and rudely interrupted.

" Oh so your going to try and blame this on my little Tiffany now are you. You selfish little brat you don't even deserve to be here! Why can you be more like Olivia." She screamed, her screechy voice echoing throughout the house. My ears felt like they were bleeding.

I couldn't help but scoff at what she said. Be more like Olivia!? " Oh you mean be a slut?" I said quietly under my breath.

"What did you just say?" She asked stepping closer until she could reach out and touch me. " Did you just call my daughter a slut." she looked absolutely furious at this point. Her face was beat red and her eyes were narrowed into beady little slits.

" No, no of course not. I don't know why you would ever think that?"i smiled innocently.

" Don't you dare play games with me little girl I swear I will-"

" What will you do Jocelyn?" A deep voice suddenly cut off her bitter one.

I sighed in relief. My dad was here. Everything was going to be ok now. I slid out from behind my so called mother and ran into my fathers open arms. " Hey baby." He whispered smoothing my hair.

" Richard. I didn't know you were home. I was just scolding the child about going outside without telling me." she said sweetly with a fake smile plastered on her face. It was obvious that my father and mother didn't honestly love each other. I knew better than to think that. Their marriage was all about politics. My father had money, and mom had an influential background. My father told me that now a days if you want to be someone in the world you don't marry someone that you love you marry someone with lots of money, and power.

" Yes I'm sure." he said as he let go of me, and picked up his briefcase again. " I came home early." He chuckled to himself. " Obviously. The boss sent everyone home early. It was odd. He seemed almost happy when he came in from lunch." He said more to himself than to the rest of us.

" Daddy! Daddy! Your home." Tiffany yelled running down the long stairs trying her very best not to trip.

" Hey little one." My dad picked her up and spinned her around a couple times. She laughed hysterically, and gripped his arms tightly. " Ahh." He sighed and set her carefully back on the ground. " Olivia aren't you going to give me a hug too?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes as if the thought was the most ridiculous idea he had ever heard. " Gosh dad you know I'm like 18 now, not 12 right? I don't hug you anymore."

He frowned. " Since when does anyone get to old to hug their father?" He asked frowning slightly. Then he started looking angrier. " What are you wearing Olivia?! I can practically see your underwear. Go change! Now!" He yelled. his deep voice boomed down the hallways.

I smirked. Finally she gets what she deserves. " Dad I'm 18! I can wear whatever I want now." she put her hands on her hips defiantly.

" I don't care if your 18 or not. Your still living under my roof, and as long as you are you will live by my rules. Do you understand Olivia, because I will not repeat myself again." Father was never one that enjoyed being challenged.

" Richard." Jocelyn swiftly walked over to my dad and rubbed her hand up and down his arm. " don't you think your overreacting." He glared sharply at her and shrugged her hand off his arm.

" No." he said sternly. " I will not have one of my daughters acting like a slut. I want you to change then be down for dinner." he said directing the conversation back to Olivia.

She just stood there.

" Now!" He yelled.

"Ugh!" She screamed, and stomped her heeled foot down on the ground. " I hate you!"

I rolled my eyes this was a normal thing for Olivia. Tantrums all day, all night. I just pray to god that when I have kids they aren't anything like her.

" And throw those shoes away while your at it. You'll break your ankles trying to walk in those things." He yelled up the stairs.

"Ugh!!" She yelled again and then a slam sounded throughout the house.

" So." dad clapped his hands together and smiled again. No longer bothered about his disobedient daughter " what's for dinner?"

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