Another little one

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Eight months had passed, and I was pregnant. With a human being. A human being that was slowly but steadily growing inside me. A boy.

I have to say though that Joseph was more freaked out than I was. The day I told him he was frozen. Shell shocked. He didn't say anything for a long time, and when he finally did it was "are you sure? There's no way this could be fake." He asked seriously gripping my shoulders.

"Yes I'm positive. I even had one of your doctors here check." His face was abnormally pale. My spirits had deflated immensely. He didn't was this child he had helped create. I was sure of it. I could sense his fear and discomfort. This was not a situation that he had ever been in.

"How are we gonna do this." He whispered. "Neither of us have any very good parents to be examples to go off of. What if he turns out bad because we couldn't handle it." He expressed his concerns making me even more nervous about the situation I was in regardless of what he wanted.

I gripped his face in my hands and stroked the skin under his eyes. Something I had learned calmed him. "Whatever happens, we'll get through it together. I know that we don't have any expirence in this, but we'll make it work. I believe in you Joseph Copland. We can do this." I said hoping to inspire courage in his mind.

He smiled lightly and brought his lips to mine. "If I'm with you we can get through it."

I smiled at the memory. We were going to have a baby boy together. We had started to prepare the room for him right after we found out the gender. The man that had occupied the room adjacent to Joseph and I's room was told to move because that is where our sons room would now be. The room was painted blue and new furniture was placed in the room until it was perfect and ready for a little person to be living in it.

I sat in the blue room singing softly to the unborn baby. Things had been perfect. With no Romano out there to keep trying to ruin our lives things were quiet. It was almost like we were living as a normal couple. Sometimes Joseph would go into the office and sometimes he would stay home and work from his office. The only loose ends out there were Stefan and Cameron. I was sure that they were out there somewhere biding their time until they could get their vengeance on Joseph and I. However I had learned in the passed couple of months that worried about something that might happen did nothing except keep you from enjoying the present.

"Jessica." Joseph interrupted my thoughts and singing. "I'm sorry to interrupt you but I have to run into the town for awhile. Apparently they need to have an emergency board meeting at the company building." He came and kissed me on the lips, then the forehead and then left the room.

Joseph owned they company on the side. He was almost never there. It was mostly Matthias that ran things there but Joseph was chairman of the board. No big decisions were made without his consent. What took up his time most of the day was working to keep up everything with the gang running smoothly.

I sat in the same place for a while longer until my butt started to hurt. I got to my feet struggling with my very pregnant stomach. I waddled down the hall to the kitchens to find something to eat. My appetite had increased significantly in the last eight months.

"Miss Jessica." All the cooks said as I walked into the kitchen. "Is there anything I can make for you?" One asked and hurried forward to help me to a seat at the small table by the door.

"Oh no milly I just wanted some crackers." I thought for a minute. "And some cheese."

"Of course." Milly smiled at me and hurried off to the pantry and fridge to fetch what I had asked for. With all the cheese I had been eating lately I was surprised I hadn't broken out with pimples everywhere.

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