Tired of the Game

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I flipped through the telephone book that I had borrowed from the train station. They said this one would have the phone numbers from the east coast. I turned and scanned page after page looking for one of the many business Joseph owned and ran. Although nowadays there weren't many big corporations and business there were still plenty to have kept me busy for the last hour.

"Bingo!" I yelled and stood up on my feet and I found it. Copland Business and Money Management. I instantly regretted my outburst  because every head in the station turned to me. I ducked my dirt covered head and moved on to the phone attached to the wall next to the ticket station.

I pressed the buttons, my fingers moving lightning quick. The phone only rang once before a woman that sounded like a receptionist picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is Copland Business and-"

"Yes yes I know. I need to speak with Matthias.... " I cursed myself for never asking his last name.

"You're looking for a Matthias? You mean the CFO of the entire company Matthias Masters?" She laughed on the other end. "He's very busy. I can't just interrupt him saying some girl called to talk to you."

"Well tell him it's Jessica I'm sure that he'll take the call." I said angrily. The girl huffed.

"Alright give me a second." The music that told me I was on hold began to play. I pressed my lips together. I didn't have a lot of time. I was out of quarters for the phone. I tapped my foot on the ground impatiently. "Hello? Sorry about that miss I'll transfer you to him." She said hurriedly and the phone beeped once more.

"Jessica?!" I heard Matthias's deep voice through the phone.

"Yes it's me."

"Where are you? Is Joseph with you." He rushed.

I winced. "No. He's not. I had to leave alone. But I thought that if I got out, then no one would have to worry about me when they're trying to get out or we go and get them." I hated myself for leaving him but I thought it was the only option at the time. I had been rethinking my decision ever since.

"No that's good. It's probably better this way." He paused. "Where are you I'll send someone to come and get you."

"I'm still in California Matthias. But I'm at a train station. But that probably doesn't do much good, I have no money to buy a ticket."

"Alright no stay there. Do you know what the station is called? I can have someone come and get you."

"It's just California avenue train station. I'm 2 towns north of where Romano's compound is if that helps." I racked my brain to find any other landmarks that could help him find my location.

"Yeah no that helps. I believe I know where you are. Wait there at the station. I have people there waiting for Joseph. I can send someone to come and get you."

"Alright I can do that I'll wait here at the phones."

"Perfect, remember that you-" his voice abruptly ended. I frowned and rolled my eyes. The time my quarters had bought me ran out. I hung up the phone and scanned my area briefly for any loose change. I could only imagine what Matthias was thinking. That I was a crazy woman that had hung the phone up on him.

I leaned my forehead on the wall next to me and rested my head. I still had a pounding head ache. Probably half from dehydration, and half from sleep deprivation.

Always Get What I Want.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα