The little sister

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I winced again when the woman next to me laughed. It made my ears feel like they were bleeding. It was loud and high pitched. I sighed and tried to discreetly cover my ears until she stopped.

" This should be over at 8 o'clock sharp." Cameron said leaning slightly towards me. " Jo tends to keep a strict time line." He returned to his plate and continued to shove the food down his throat.

I sighed in relief. I had finished ages ago and was now just sitting in my seat listening to the people around me chatter aimlessly. I tapped my foot along with the tic of the clock that I could just barley hear over the noise in the room.

At last Joseph stood up and cleared his throat. Immediately everyone shut their mouths, and turned their attention to their boss. " It's 8. You may all return to what you were doing before dinner began. I have matters to attend to." He then quickly left the room. I tried not to watch his back muscles flex under his white buttoned up shirt as he walked out the door. I shook my head and stood up.

I thought about the dinners at home. Olivia would talk about what new shoes she had to have, Tiffany would chatter and giggle to herself, and I would normally just sit there and watch while father tried to tame Jocelyn and Olivia from bankrupting him. It wasn't exactly what I would look on as a happy memory, but it was what I was used to. It was home, and this was a strange place where I was to be taken advantage of and used. My eyes suddenly welled up at the thought. I was pretty much alone and my father wasn't there to hug me goodnight like he did when I was having a bad day, and I had a horrible feeling that he wouldn't be anytime soon.

I just stood there for a couple minutes wallowing in my new found misery, until I was shoved from behind sending me flying to my knees. I flung myself back to my feet and faced my attacker.

Mandy stood there with her hands on her hips and an annoying smile set in her lips. She shrugged innocently and snickered slightly " oops."

I laughed darkly. This was not what I needed right now. I picked up a glass of wine from the table and dumped it in Mandy's perfect orange hair, staining it a slight shade of red. " oops." I said and set the empty glass back down on the table. Mandy, as well as some other people in the room gasped in horror. Mandy lightly put her hands on her head.

" You little- I can't,.. You." She stuttered still trying to grasp what had just happened.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled innocently like Mandy had moments before and walked out letting the doors fall shut behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall glad that I was out of the spotlight.

I slowly dragged myself up to where my bedroom was. Once there I pulled a chair up to the window and watched all the stars slowly start to appear in the sky. My vision started to blur as I started to think about this horrendous room I was forced to sit in, how my so called family hadn't even tried to help me, how I was completely alone here. I thought that I had a friend but he didn't say a word when I needed his help.

The room was pitch black when the door opened. I stayed silent resisting the curiosity that was telling me to turn and see who was invading my space, but I knew if I did that whoever it was would know I had been crying. So I stayed frozen in my spot waiting for the intruder to approach me.

" You dumped wine on my prized whore." He said flatly. I cringed when I heard his voice. The longer I sat there the more I convinced myself that everything was his fault and the more convinced I got the more I came to hate the very thought of him.

I only shrugged not giving him the satisfaction of looking him in the eyes. I could tell he was standing right behind me. "Tell me little one, why would you do that?"

Always Get What I Want.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon