Sick and Twisted

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*keep in mind that this story is based in the future. That hasn't really mattered in the past but it does in this chapter. :) Also I do apologize if anyone was offended by the last chapter. I hope you will keep reading there's a lot that still has to happen. One more thing to keep in mind, I'm not an expert on brains. That may not make sense right now but after you read the chapter it will*


I woke up the next morning with my whole body sweating and shaking. I gasped and pulled the covers up over my body with my not broken hand and took in my surroundings.

Stefan sat in a chair in one corner while his father, Cameron, and Peter stood in the other. Basically the trio of doom, and Cameron. I eyed Stefan wearily. His normal perverted smirk was gone from his face. Instead he looked angry and impatient. The Romano and Peter looked pleased, while Cameron didn't seem to have any expression on his face.

"Aww look at the poor little thing. She looks like a kicked puppy that got lost in an ally way." I shrunk back into the bed to try and escape all of their prying stares.

"Gosh darling I had no idea you were so afraid of my son." Romano started. I looked at him confused. Of corse I was afraid of him. He raped me.

"Your son raped me." I glanced back and forth between him and his son. Stefan clenched his fists tight and then released them. I was confident he wouldn't hurt me with other people in the room. "Is there any universe I wouldn't be afraid of him?"

"Oh honey you are so terribly misinformed."he said laughing and then sat on one of the extra chairs Cameron had brought in while he was babysitting me. "My son didn't rape you. He is more of a gentleman than that despite what you might believe. You see we tested a new device we've been developing for the past couple of years on you last night. Let me tell you how it works. You seem like a smart girl maybe you'll appreciate the science behind it. The device works like a dream enhancer. For a certain amount of time it changes your brain chemistry while hooked to your head. Because of the temporary chemical changes the brain undergoes your subconscious dream of what you fear most. The dream would feel terribly real and vivid. Although I've never tried. Actually no ones ever tried it. You're the first." He said clapping his hands like it was an honor to have my worst fears brought to the surface and basically played out. "If you're worried about permanent damage we don't think that it will have any lasting effects. Just maybe some nightmares occasionally." He chuckled and threw his hands in the air. "But we don't really knew your our first."

"You're sick." I croaked out. My throat was dry. I must have been actually screaming while I dreamed. "How could you do this. How could you be so messed up to think of something like this?" I said becoming more and more angry. "I guess I knew you were monsters though after hearing what you did to Joseph's mother." I growled my throat feeling better the more I spoke.

"First don't you ever speak of Joseph's mother again. You will regret it. What you've experienced so far will be like nothing compared to what I could do. Second you can thank Peter here for the device." He turned to Peter for a second." You know we really should name it."

"Yes sir." Peter said in his creepy voice. "I'll get right on that sir." He bowed his head a little.

"Good. Right where were we." He snapped his fingers like the word would come to him that way. "Oh yes the device's origins. Well you see I came to Peter with a problem. I told him that some of the other men were insubordinate. I told him we needed a solution. Peter is very innovative when it comes to problems like these. Anyway we talked, we worked, blah blah blah, and now here we are. That was 3 years ago." He said triumphant.

Always Get What I Want.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora