The Party

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The whole day from the time I woke up in the morning (in my bed somehow) til now had been getting me ready for this special party tonight. It started the first time my eyes opened at exactly 6 o'clock AM.

"Wakey, wakey miss Jessica! Mr. Copland sent us up to make sure that you look perfect for the party tonight. He has asked that you be his date." The old women smiled and giggled at my bewildered expression.

Date? I wasn't sure we were even friends. I sat there for a moment with the women setting all of their supplies down on my table and desk.

"Now sweetheart Mr. Copland gave us all of your dress sizes so we picked one out that we thought would fit your skin tone perfectly." She was so excited about it I couldn't help but smile at her. She clapped her hands together and then unzipped the covering that kept the dress safe.

I gasped when I saw the fabric. The beautiful lavender pink dress was all ripped and torn apart. The beads that I assumed were once sown on rolled out of the bag as soon as it was opened. The cute old lady looked as if she was about to cry.

I climbed out of the bed and put a hand on her frail shoulder, trying to comfort the sweet old lady. "It's alright I'm sure we can find another dress that's just as beautiful." I smiled encouragingly. She frowned and dropped the ruined dress to the floor.

She sniffed and nodded. "Chrissy, Daphne, would you please find another dress for miss Jessica. The lavender one seems to have been ruined. She is a size 2." Two red heads left the room. The only ones without grey hair. "Well dear I guess we'll get started then.

She motioned for me to sit at the table that had been transformed into a makeup store. Everything you could imagine being in one was in front of me. A large mirror had been placed on the table. I cringed and tried to brush my fingers through my knotted hair before the woman came over. No matter how hard I yanked my hand it just couldn't get through the tangles on its own. So I pulled my fingers out of my hair and waited patiently until a round little lady came with a comb and brushed everything out leaving me hair smooth and shiny.

"Hello love, I'm Gloria." She smiled at me through the mirror. Her British accent only made her cuter. She hand smile lines by her eyes making her look very inviting and kind. "I'll be doing your hair today sweetie."

Her frail hands moved surprisingly efficiently through my thick hair. First she put some stuff that I had never used before in it. She said that it would make it look shiner and have more volume. She then continued to pulled the sides back and then brushed the rest of it over to cover the pins. It looked very simple, but I wouldn't have liked anything too extravagant.

After she had finished she rubbed her hands together and sat down on the bed to rest her feet from standing.

Not long after though another lady a bit younger maybe in her early 50's came and started with makeup. She put powders, and lotions on, and plucked my eyebrows then filled them in, and then added some color to my cheeks and eyes to make me not look like a plastic Barbie. All in all I sat there for a couple of hours until the whole process was done. Never in my life had I worn this much makeup, but when I looked in the mirror I had to admit that it looked wonderful. The woman had done a fantastic job.

By now it was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. And just for the record lunch had not yet been served. "Ladies. As much as I'm enjoying all this I think we should have lunch."

"Oh dear me!" The woman that seemed to be in charge exclaimed. "I'm so sorry honey, us old folk don't have much of an appetite these days." She smiled softly and cupped my cheek. "I'll have something brought up." She shook her head." My oh my, you do look like an angel." I smiled brightly and she poked my prominent dimples. "Those help a lot too!" She chuckled and then left to have lunch brought up.

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