Chapter 6

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Rosabella's Pov

Meeting the nice man and his family was fun l really enjoyed their company but the elder ones had to leave so the younger ones stayed behind with me 

The ones that man introduced as his children seemed to talk less and they stayed away from me but l didn't know why they were all here in the first place

The other one Xavier also kept his distance from me but the others were so good to me and even if l knew it was only for a while l enjoyed my time with them 

I wonder where my so called parents are ,they didn't even bother to visit me and check if l am fine or not l guess they were probably praying that l died but l didn't expect anything less from them anyway 

"Did you hear anything about the girl l was with" l asked the nurse who had come to check on me suddenly remembering the rude girl who was dragging me with her

"Yes she's actually doing good" the nurse said and left but the boys remained

"Did you know her" the one who introduced himself as Nikolai

"No l just bumped into her on the way" l said

"Then how did the both of you end up together" the other one named Ernesto asked

"Apparently she is a princess who doesn't take lightly to being bumped into "l said jokingly but apparently the other boys didn't like the joke 

"Don't talk about her like that" one of the nice man's sons shouted and out of instinct l cowered away and closed my eyes waiting for a slap or kick but nothing came my way so l raised my head to see the boys looking at me strangely almost like they were trying to read me 

"You thought he was going to hit you" Maximus l think said and mentally face palmed myself for being stupid 

"No of course not ,l think am being a bit edge and panicky because of the accident" l said hoping they would believe my lie 

"And am sorry about what l said about that girl it was rude of me to judge her based on our first meeting and from the way you reacted it is pretty obvious she is very close to you " l told them honestly because they wouldn't react that way if she wasn't someone they knew or cared deeply about

"You don't have to be sorry Bella it's not your fault some people can't see a wolf in sheep's clothing"l am guessing the one named Nicolo said

"Don't. You. Dare start your nonsense here "Elonzo said menacingly said glaring at Nicolo who smirked enjoying his reaction and l figured that it was best l don't answer

"You are one to talk after what your disgusting brother did to our sister" the nice man's youngest child whose name is Alexander said

"Don't you dare talk shit about my brother Alex "Nicolo's twin Nikolai shouted

"Nikolai let's get some air" Xavier who l assume is his brother said pulling his brother with him and Nicolo followed them but not before glaring at Alexander

"You know what ,l don't have time to play happy family with some little wannabe bitch l have to take care of my sister" Leonardo the one who shouted at me for talking bad about that girl who l am now guessing is their sister said as he left my room but not before glaring at me and for some reason it hurt hearing him say that about me

"Can you guys leave me alone for a bit l feel very tired now" l asked them holding back my tears 

"If it's about what Leonardo said then l am sorry he just likes acting on his anger" his twin l assume said

"I am just tired " l turned to the other said and closed my eyes hoping that they would leave and luckily enough l heard the door open followed by some footsteps then the door closed again

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