Chapter 26

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Matteo's Pov

"Hey daddy" l freeze when hear that because it reminds me of my little girl

"Alexa l have warned you before Do Not Call Me That" l snap as l sit on the head of the table

"Sorry" she sniffs but l am far to angry to handle her tantrums today

When Bella and Alex left she thought that the boys would finally start giving her more attention but they seemed to go further away from her

The Rossi family tried to form a relationship with her but in time they gave up because she is obsessed with the idea of being the De Luca princess

"How was your day" Elena my wife asks

I got married 2 years back to the American Mafia Princess for an alliance with them

"Good and yours" l ask absentmindedly because all l can think about is my children no matter how much l've tried to reassure myself that l can move on l can't

"Are you even listening to me " l hear her say and l see Leone, Alexa and her staring at me since they are the only ones here

"Excuse me " l stand up and go to Alex's room

The room still smells like him and l feel nostalgic everytime l enter but being here gives me motivation to wake up everyday so that l can find them

"I miss them too dad" l hear Leone say as he comes to sit on the bed next to me

"Do you think they are happy" l say

"I like to think they are " he says honestly

"I don't know how to fix this Leone"

"You did what you thought was right" he says and puts his hand on my shoulder

I didn't think they would come a time when my children would be comforting me instead of the other way around

"Well now we can all see it was a bad idea" Leonardo says as he strides in

Alex's room has become the only place me and the boys find comfort and communicate with each other whenever we miss them

"I guess the award for the shittiest brother goes to me huh"l hear Elonzo say

Elonzo has been blaming himself because he feels like his youngest siblings were punished for his mistakes

"I will beat it in you until you understand it wasn't your fault" l say

"I know but l can't help but blame myself" he says

The boys and l talk for a while and we all bid each other goodnight

"It'll get better Matt" Elena says when l enter and l immediately get annoyed

"How would you know, you don't have children " l snap and l see hurt slicker in her eyes and l immediately feel bad

"I am sorry you know l don't want to talk about this Elena" l say as l prepare togo take a shower and clear my head

"You're right how would l know because l can never have children"she says and covers her self with the blanket

Elena and both her brothers can't have children and they've tried everything and failed which is why they made the alliance with me so that one of my children can take over the American Mafia when the time comes

I sigh and go to the bathroom and take a shower then l go straight to bed

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