Chapter 8

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Alexandra's Pov

Everyone was acting really strange since l woke up from the hospital and you know what's weirder is that dad visited me in and he looked happy and all his actions seemed totally not like him

My brothers barely look at me the eye and they always find an excuse to leave just as soon as they come in and that is not like them either

Mom on the other hand rarely leaves my said it's like she's become obsessed with me because she's always there wherever l go

I've also had strange visitors whom mom introduced as her old friends and l like their daughters Valerie and Valencia are so cool to be around they are just like me from the coolest clothes, to the coolest shoes ,the newest trend and not to forget the celebrity scoop and gossip l love those girls no one would really think they are older than me

The girls may not come from a rich family like mine but they totally get me and l them but mom is not very fond them but l really don't care what she thinks

My cousins and grandparents came to visit me a few days ago and said that they were happy that l was okay l mean did they actually think l believed that they care for me

I haven't got the chance to ask about the girl whom l was with that day but anyway she probably died which serves her right for bumping into me and talking back at me

I just hope mom hasn't told dad the truth about me not being his daughter because l will make sure she regrets it if she does

I obviously won't kill myself but she doesn't know that and anyway it's pretty fun seeing her beg for me not to kill myself which l will never do l am not that stupid but l guess mom is

Maybe the hospital did some blood tests and proved that l am not dad's daughter which would prove my brothers and mom's strange behaviour but that wouldn't explain why dad visited me or why the rest of the family visited me as well something was definitely fishy but l am still not sure what it is

Apparently both my kidneys were danadam due to the accident so l had to have a kidney transplant which was a success by the way but when l asked mom how l got the kidney so soon because l thought they were waiting lists for all these things but my transplant seemed to happen in a matter of days, mom gave me a lecture about how l should be grateful and stuff so l dropped it and figured that since dad was not an ordinary man he must have done something to make sure l got the kidney first

For some strange reason dad is always in the hospital these days though he hardly comes to my room l always hear the nurses talking about him whenever he comes ,l wonder who is so important to him that he always visits but never bothers to even say hi to me

I was in my thoughts when l heard the door close indicating that someone had entered my room and l noticed that oerspewas Xavier

"Can we talk Alexa"he said and l obviously knew what he wanted to talk about

"I have nothing to talk about with you "l said glaring at him

"Ohh come on Alexa there's no one here l just need to know why you accused me of such a heinous crime ,you were like my sister Alexa l would have never tried to hurt you nomatter how drunk l was" he said as l noticed his eyes were glassy

"You don't remember that night Xavier then how can you say that you could never hurt me when you did" l said faking a hurt expression

"I don't believe you Alexa ,l can never do such a thing to any woman and worse to my sister" he said and by now a few tears had escaped him and was really impressive to see a grown man beg me to prove his innocence which by the way l was never going to do

"But you will never know for sure now will you Xavier ,you will always live with the guilt that you may have tried to molest your own sister ,the stigma will follow you everwherev you go"l told him taunting him

Knowing my cousin he has probably never slept peaceful since that night because the guilt is killing him but l couldn't care less what happens to him my motive that night was a success and that's all that matters to me

"You think you've won don't you" he said as he wiped his tears

"Your brothers that you are so proud of will give you the biggest surprise of your life and the De Luca surname that you are so proud to tell to the world will be taken away from you and most of all you will watch someone else enjoy what you've yearned for the most Your father's love he said as he stomped out of the room but l was left confused by what he said good thing is l don't believe in his lies

I tried to sleep and ignore Xavier's work

I was sleeping when l heard the nurses speaking softly

"The De Luca princess went missing from the hospital so Mr De Luca has put the whole hospital on down " one of them said but l kept pretending

"Ins'nt she the De princess " the other said who l am guessing was paintings at me

"Not biologically"l couldn't believe my ears so when they said that

They all know

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