Chapter 7

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Matteo De Luca's Pov

I couldn't wait to tell Rosabella the truth and take her home with me ,l finally had her here with me and l would never let her go

We went to the hospital canteen after our talk with Ronan l was furious and l didn't want Rosabella to see me like this when l told her for the first time that l was her father ,l could barely contain my excitement about telling her and that quickly melted my anger

"It's now or never fratello " Bernardo said seeing my anxious state

"She will love you and accept you figlio " Padre said agreeing with my brother

"Jeez l never thought l would ever see the die Matteo De Luca was worried of how a 13 year old girl will think of him "Arabella said as the ladies broke into a fit of laughter but l was just going to let them tease me today l had a lot of things to worry about other than their ends teasing

"I'll let you have your fun today ladies" l told them shaking my head

"But l don't get why you are getting worried though ,she's already met you and she seemed to like you" Oral said seriously saying

"She met me as a stranger but this time she'll be meeting her father for the first time"l said thinking about the little girl who already owned my heart

"Have you spoke to Selena on how you guys are going to tell Rosabella and Alexandra the truth"Natasha asked

"Every time l talk about Rosabella she just ignored me and talk about Alexandra intentionally l don't get what her problem is and she hasn't met Rosabella yet "l told them honestly because l was confused about what was going on with Selena

"Have you guys spoken it through though since you found out she didn't cheat" Madre said

"I went to talk to her but she literally told me to choose between Rosabella and her because Alexandra blah blah blah and l told her the truth that my children will always come first" l said having the horrible coffee they serve in the canteen

"I think she's literally started to get obsessed with Alexandra, l mean all she ever talks about is Alexandra this or Alexandra that" Oral said

"Maybe she just got lonely because we all kept our distance from her after Alexandra was born"Madre said

"But she was the one who kept her distance from us " Arabella said

"We tried to be with her she pushed us away so we kept our distance" Natasha added

"Well whatever it is l just hope she gets her senses back" l said standing up to go get a hug from my daughter for the first time

I told my family that l was going to tell Rosabella the truth myself because l didn't want to overwhelm her but when l appreciated her room l immediately noticed something was wrong because the guards l had assigned infront of her door weren't there

When l entered her room she wasn't anywhere to be found so l instantly ran back to the canteen to inform my family

I called the boys as well and they said that they left her room a while ago because she claimed she was tired

The Rossi's couldn't have done this because Ronan was scared of my mere presence so he wouldn't have taken Rosabella from her from and she was clearly to weak to walk

Someone took my daughter from the hospital and l was going to find that person because what that person clearly didn't know is that l had put a tracker in Rosabella's clothes

I took my phone and checked the tracker which clearly showed that Rosabella was on the move so l excused myself and told everyone that l was going to start looking

I trusted my family but someone inside the hospital was obviously responsible for all this and in order to find them l had to let them think they had won then show them that nobody messes with Matteo De Luca

I alerted my best men the Rosabella's current location then left as quickly as possible to catch whoever had my daughter of guard

The person who had Rosabella was clearly going to the airport but foolishly they stopped somewhere along the way but that just gave me and my men enough time to catch them of guard

Selena's Pov

Did l do the right thing by sending Rosabella away?

What if Matteo catches those 2 and they confess

Matteo won't spare anyone who was involved in this ,l saw it in his eyes if he catches them then am dead

Should l probably confess before they find them??

I should relax they won't find her l covered all my tracks by switching of the CCTV cameras and no one would suspect l went anywhere near Rosabella

"Mom are you okay ,you look like you've just seen a ghost" Alexa said

Alexa was sleeping when l left and l found her still sleeping when l came back so she assumed l was with her the whole time which was going to be the perfect alibi not that Matteo would ever suspect me but l guess it's better being safe than sorry

Elonzo's Pov

It's ironic right, her being real questioned Alexa's position in our lives and l hated that but now she's gone and l feel like l've already lost a part of myself

I spent a less than an 2 hours with her and every minute l spent with her l kept thinking that l was betraying Alexa but now that she's gone l wish l had more time with her

I chose Alexa over her without even knowing her , l let Leonardo insult her what kind of an older brother am l

Now that she's gone l would give anything to get to know my little sister ,yes Alexa will always be my sister but Rosabella is also my sister and l should have treated her as such

I practically raised Alexa because dad wanted nothing to do with her which l understand why no and my was always distant after Alexa's birth she pushed everyone away ,my brothers and l spoiled Alexa to death all she had to do was say the word and we would get her whatever she desired and that was our biggest mistake because she became an intitled spoilt brat but she has a good heart

After that incident with Xavier we became more protective of her but l still can't believe Xavier did something so sinister and cruel with my sister and l vowed to never forgive him for it

My dad is always there for us when we need him ,he may be the Don of the Italian Mafia to everyone but to us he is the best dad in the world and l want to be just like him ,yes he is not someone to mess with and he never spoilt us like other kids, instead of being free to do whatever we wanted we were always tied to the Mafia but he always told us that if we ever felt like leaving he would do anything to get us out and we always respected him for giving us that choice but the Mafia is our legacy which our great grandfather, our grandfather and him worked so had for and we would never let them down

But for now the most important thing was bringing my sorella home

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