Chapter 39

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Rosabella's Pov
l don't think Alexa will ever realise how much my brothers really love and care about her but l could see the hidden tears when she said goodbye.
The whole house was quiet and even dad looked dull but none of them had the courage to face the situation and ask her to stay.
l admit Alexa did a lot of mistakes but she is human as much as everyone and this isn't the goodbye she deserves and infact she didn't have to go.
l don't trust the Rossi's and it would really be unfortunate if Alexa had to endure what l did, and l don't want to have to live with the guilt that l could have done something but l didn't
"Penny for your thoughts" l heard my nonna (grandma) say leaning against the door in my room.
"Come on in "l said gesturing for her to join me on top of the bed
My nonna join me in the middle of the bed and l placed my head on her lap
"What has you so preoccupied" she said and l just shook my head
"It's not good to bottle things up my angel" she said massaging my sculp and l sighed at how good the massage felt
"l am just thinking about Alexa" l said
"She deserves a second chance nonna l understand how wrong she was but she is only a child and she's immature"l continued
"Nonna please say something"l said
"Bella my dear you have a heart of gold and you believe in forgiveness and living peacefully without grudges and we all love and respect that about you but you cannot force all of us to forgive and forget what that girl did to us" she said and l immediately turned to look at her
"l am not trying to force you forgive her am just saying you can all try to find it in your hearts to give her a second chance".
Nonna looked angry all of a sudden and maybe l might have taken it a bit too far
"l said No Bella and l don't want to talk about this anymore and infact if l even hear that you tried to sweet talk someone else it making that girl stay here ..
You won't like me "she said standing up from the bed
"Am l clear Rosabella"she said raising her voice
"Cristal clear "l said with gritted teeth
"And don't use that attitude with me young lady" she said slamming my bedroom door on her way out
Well talking to my nonna was a complete fail and it resulted in me being shouted at and banned about talking about the issue at hand
"Well the Princess received her very first scolding today" Alex said poking his head in my room and l scowled at him
"Leave my room"
"l know that this is the first time they've scolded you andl just want you to know that being scolded isn't the end of the world
my little spoilt princess " he said and burst out laughing
"Why are you here" l said trying to escape his teasings
"Dinner is served princess" he said


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