Chapter 46

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The threat from Dan was still weighing on my mind when l entered Bella's room.Just when l thought peace and quiet was coming our way something happened.
"Penny for your thoughts "Bella said closing her book and looking at me expectantly but this was something that l couldn't share with her or anyone else for that matter. My family couldn't afford to go through that trauma again.
"Why aren't you asleep "l asked climbing on her bed.
"Because my dad hasn't tucked me in as yet" she replied and laid her head on my lap.Padre thinks that l am cuddling her but as she grows l feel like she'll no longer need me as much,so am trying to treasure as many memories as possible.
"How are your lessons going "l asked petty the strands of her hair.
"Good" she replied dozing of and l smiled at her adorableness.
Bella has been through quite a lot and l didn't think it was okay to send her to school as yet so l had her home schooled for the time being.but now l think that it's time for her to interact with other kids her age.
"l love you my princessa "l said pecking her forehead.
She didn't reply and l smiled at her sleeping face.Bella deserves to be spoilt and loved to make up for the years that she didn't get. Maybe l am selfish for not allowing Elena to have this child but l have my children's best interests at heart.
l have full faith in my children and l know they wouldn't mistreat their sibling but resentment was a possibility and especially for Bella who l favored the most .l am not blind to the difference l treat her with and it's never bothered the boys because she's their sister but this new baby to come probably wouldn't feel the same way.
Elena hated that l favored Bella over everyone and l could imagine how much influence she'd impact on the child and have it resent Bella. Before Bella the possibility of having another child would have appealed to me but now everything was different.My daughter was so dependent on me and l couldn't give another child attention while my whole focus is on Bella.
"Is the princess sleeping "Elonzo said when he found me on the hallway.
"She is "l said placing my hand on his shoulder and leading him to the bar in our mansion.
"l thought you said that she was barren"he said hesitantly.
"She is but she's found a surrogate and honestly it disgusts me to even think or talk about what she did "l said taking a gulp of my whiskey.
"Should l say it" he said smirking.
"Please don't "l said laughing.
"Since you asked for it, l TOLD YOU SO" he said quoting every word.
Elonzo was against my marriage from the start and l didn't pay heed to his concerns but now l guess he was right.

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