Dog days

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A year ago

Malia POV

"Malia open this damn door right now!" My mother screamed banging on the bathroom door causing me to shake. "Mom stop your scaring me!" I yelled back as she kicked the door again and again but it wouldn't move. "Don't call me that, Your not my daughter anymore." She said as tears fell down my eyes as my heart shattered into tiny fragments. "Mom I'm sorry! I'll fix it I'll make it go away!" I said holding my hands in my face feeling the heat on my body again. "Mom go away your making it worse for me." I told her but she stabbed a kitchen knife into the door.

She repeatedly sliced through the door like the man from the shining. "I'm going to get that demon out of you." She said poking her eye in the crack of the door. I couldn't control it anymore I was upset and afraid. I shifted into a werewolf again, it had happened earlier and that's when my mom freaked out. I look into the mirror seeing a light brown coated wolf coat covering me. I growl at myself hating who I have become as my mother finally got the door to open. I wasn't looking at her as I looked in the mirror my yellow eyes consuming me. I felt a sharp pain in my collarbone as I wince feeling the wound heal as my mother had stabbed me.

I growled at her moving towards her as she backed up, I could smell her fear towards me. I must've been showing my teeth because her heart was thumping rapidly against her chest. "Malia stop!" She said as I stood on my hind legs she jump back not looking where she was going flipping off the balcony. As the fur fell off of my body and I was human again I looked down at her. My only friend had died I felt my face wetting once again as I stormed out the house running into the woods. I felt like a monster so I became one, every time the full moon was out I would eat people.

Until I met Derek and his sister Aliyah one night while I was chewing the meat off a teenage boy. I was lost and completely damaged in the brain to have spent months as a wolf. I forgot what it was like to be human and i would have probably still be doing what I was doing if not for Derek. Mom was right about me I am the devil in a dress.

"God. What's that smell." A teenage voice said as two figures emerged from the bushes watching me eat off his arm. "Derek I'm going to be sick." She said as the man pressed his hand over her mouth and put a finger to his. I got up throwing the arm away from me as I growled showing all my teeth. "Your sure that's a werewolf? I can't see any human in that." The Girl said. "Aliyah shut up." He growled as Aliyah listen as I watched his eyes glow red as he nodded to me. "Derek she's killing people. We end this tonight." She said growling at him before ripping apart into a dark brown coated wolf.

"ALIYAH!" Derek had screamed out as she barked showing her teeth circling around me. I was unamused as she attacked me baring her teeth deep into my wolf skin. I let out a pout as she caught me off guard earning a demonic growl from her. I snapped at her neck multiple times until my fangs could grab her neck. I use my hind paws to kick her off me sending her rolling on her side. She got up charging at me when a black coated wolf attacked her pinning her on the ground. It was Derek his eyes glowing red as his teeth was deep into her neck. "Aliyah, She is not your enemy." he snarled at her. "But she is a threat!" she snapped.

He let her go as she limped up in pain the fur fading away into the wind as she stood on her feet. I shifted back into my human body and so did the man as we were staring off each other. "Derek she must be killed. You said it yourself we protect people." She insisted as he looked away from her and at me. "Maybe they deserved it." He stated as he grinned at me and I smiled back at him. "No one deserves to be mauled down by some brown haired bitch!" She said as I started to feel hot again taking a deep breath.

"My mom died." I stated breaking the glares each other was giving. "I did it. I'm coping with my loss." I tell her as she shakes her head in disapproval. "Doesn't give you a right to kill." Aliyah stated. "Derek I'm done. Find someone else to be your beta. You are no longer my brother." Aliyah said fading off into the wood on two feet then all fours. "I'm sorry." I told Derek as he shrugged his shoulders. "You coming?" He asked as I nodded my head.

Present day

I had got up early to get ready for school, I wanted a quick start in the woods so I wouldn't have to catch the bus. The plan was to make sure no one saw me phase back into my human body. I was out the door soon as I was Putting on my clothes. Straight out the motel so I can finish my senior year ready to get this over with. I missed a semester so I would have to complete my old classes. Damn. I walk into the woods as I stop making sure no one can see me as I take off my clothes sticking them in my book bag.

I begin to transform as I my body started to rearranged and I was on all my fours. I grab my book bag with my teeth and begin to thunder off on my paws. I was moving so fast that I could hear the wind whoosh in my ears. I felt free and no one could tell me otherwise this was a gift for me. I started to pound the ground faster smelling the scent of teenagers approaching. I moved forward even faster as I felt a pain in my right paw as I let a howl and was brought to a stop.

"God damn that's a big ass wolf." A man wearing all black holding a assault rifle said jumping down from a tree. I tried to move my arm out of the trap but felt pain and was stuck. "Shut up Tommy, hurry and take it out it's misery before some nosey kids arrive." The Caucasian man said as he wore a wife beater and baggy cargo pants. I started to morph back into my human body as the man Tommy aimed his gun at me. Watching the fur fade away inside of my skin as I return to my tanned skin. The men looked at me astonished as they were lost of words.

"The legends are true Ollie." Tommy said as he lowered his gun as I move my hair from my face. "FUCK YOU! FUCKING ASSHOLES!" I screamed at the top of my lunges as I heard loud footsteps approaching. The men looked ahead as the growl got louder. The brown wolf had emerged from the trees pacing itself slowly as he released a shaking roar. The only person I know to roar like that was Derek, but this wolf fur was brown.

The man with the gun started shooting at the wolf as he leaped into the air landing on both of the two men. Growling and snaring his teeth I was able to finally break the trap as my wrist had healed. I remember this wolf now he was that James guy, the one with the anger problem. I watch the fur disappear from his body as he had both of them pinned by his hands now. "Leave her alone." He said still growling as his eyes glowed red. "Malia. Leave." He stated still eyeing them down as they were trying to move but can't as his nails were clawed into their chest.

"No." I said as I moved towards him as he looked at me the red in his eyes a glowing fire. "NOW!" He roared as i fell down on one knee feeling the shake in his yell. "Shit." I growled at myself as I got myself on my feet grabbing my book bag as I run away confused on what the fuck just happened. The only person that can make another wolf bow before them... was the Alpha.

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