The Inevitable

28 9 13

Thirty minutes ago

Malia POV

"Malia, stand down." James orders me but he does it all calm and nice as I ignore him. He should've knew better and just went all alpha on me. Because as far as I'm concerned he isn't my boss, Daiya is. And This piece of shit has my girlfriend and I'm going to break his fucking face. With all my strength and ability I cock my hand back and throw a fast strike at his face. I feel frozen as he begins to wave his hand in my face as I can't move my body. What power is this? It feels like I'm paralyzed. I blink my eyes as I'm back to normal and I feel... misplaced. I look at my surroundings as I realized I'm not in front of his face anymore. Did I die? Well damn.

"Malia?" A female from behind me says as I noticed I was in the woods. I look at the teenage girl as she had a sword on her back. A silver sword. It looked special as if it had some type of power inside it. I could feel it's enchantments from a far. She was pretty. Very pretty. She had copper skin with long curly brown hair. And she wore a red leathered jacket alongside her armor... it looked reptilian.

"You know me?" I asked her as I slowly approach her before looking around at the world. The skies were red and the grounds had been scorched burnt. The trees had no leaves and was burnt too. Everything looked like I was in hell as the air smelt sweet and spicy. The girl looks at me astonished as if she was seeing a ghost. She touches my face as a tear falls down her eye. "Your real!" She then grabs me placing me in a tight hug as I'm confused. "Of course I'm real... but who are you?" I asked her as she let's go of me looking me in my eyes.

"I'm James's daughter." She says as the resemblance starts to show now. Her eyes a bit lower than his as her eyes were his exact same brown. I begin to think as I'm noticing the world around me feels hotter than summers usual hot. Almost stove top hot as I realize I'm sweating. "What year is this?" I asked the female as I'm starting to feel like I'm not in 2021 anymore. "2044. The aftermath of Armageddon." She says as I stumble a bit rubbing my head.

Something big hits the ground hard as we both turn are attention to James in his wolf man form. He transforms back into his human body as the fur fades away in the hot wind. He looks around noticing he's not where ever he was as he finally sees me. "Malia!" He nearly screamed sounding happy as he noticed the teenage girl as well. "Whose that?" He asks me as she looks at him with the most shocking face I've ever seen. "She's your daughter." I tell him as he has the most puzzled look on his face. The girl started to cry as she looked at James as she started to walk up to him slowly.

"Well... whose your mother?" he asked as she jumps into his chest wrapping her arms around him hugging him tightly. He looks at me awkwardly as he doesn't want to hug her while he's naked. The girl starts to break down crying loud sobs as the woods echoed her tears. "Your dead... I watched you die how are you right here right now." She said letting him go grabbing his face and pulling on it. "I watched both of you die... this doesn't make any sense." She said as my eyebrows scrunch up instinctively hearing that I've died. "Woah what. I'm dead in the future. How?" I asked her walking towards her as she looks back at me now.

"You don't know... meaning your not the same people I remembered... of course your not you guys are much more younger than dad and auntie Malia." She says mumbling to herself as me and James's super hearing picked up everything she was saying.
"Hey. I need you to tell us everything so I can understand how to get back home." James tells her placing his hand on her shoulder as she sighs taking a deep breath.

"What's your name?" I asked her as she grabs her sword placing it on her lap as she sits on a log. Me and James sit beside her as well. "Karmanonity. But you and Aunt Daiya always called me Karma." She talks as if something happened. Something traumatic. "Your my daughter... so whose your mother?" James asked her as she has this hatred look in her face. "I don't have a mother." She tells us as James looks at me impatiently. "We have to get back to Daiya." He tells me as I nod my head as we stand up.

"There is a history museum about you guys. So you don't have to worry about her. She doesn't die till 2040." Karma says as James turns back and looks at her. "A history museum?" He asked her as she nodded her head yes. "Take me there." He told her as she stood up and grabbed both of our shoulders. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before blinking again as we were in a different location now. Inside of a building. Did... she just teleport us.


I stand up on my feet as my stomach was healing from being cut by G9's blade. "You're one of us so why are you attacking G9." Cosmo asks me as I start to breathe heavily as I sprint towards Daiya. My body slows down as I feel myself not being able to move. "If you want fight with us, then your against us." He tells me as he begins to wave his hand in front of me as I spit in his face. My body feeling normal as he wipes his face in disgust. I grab Daiya and her grandmother as I carry them both on my shoulders. "Ava...your... a... vampire!" James's and Daiya's grandmother Ms. Moxs was trying to talk through the speed. I was running so fast That electricity was glowing around my body. Last time I seen something like this happen was when Yasmine slowed time down. "You can't outrun me." Cosmo says as I turn my head to see him right there behind me.

His body channeling electricity as well as I continued to try to outrun him. I head to Zack's house as I place Daiya and Ms. Moxs on the porch. I knock on the door as Zack's mom answers it. "I'm done playing these games with you." A voice says behind me as I turn around to look at Cosmo. He takes off his trench coating giving it to G9 as she had made her way here as well. "ALX! DEMET..." I tried to screamed out James's friends as a quick punch to my wound doubled me back. I Landed off of my feet through the house as I crashed the place with my body. Shit. This guy is strong.

Alx makes her way down the stairs first as Zack follows behind her looking at the damage. "Mom are you okay?" He asks her as she looks terrified as Cosmo was pissed. "I'll take all of you with me. Starting with the humans first." Cosmo said as he unbuttons his shirt showing several scars on his chest. "WHERE IS JAMES!" I scream at him as I struggle to stand on my feet. "You should be more concern about your own well being." He tells us as he takes his shirt off giving it to the android G9. "James is gone?" Alx asked me concern in her voice as she stands by my side helping me up. "And you will be too." G9 said as she smiled a sinister grin at Cosmo as he observed the room.

And then his eyes met Demetrius.

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