Daiya's Curse

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Act 3, Death

One Year Later

James POV

"You are to speak with my father tonight before the ceremony." Yasmine tells me as she's brushing her hair. "I don't understand this whole fancy shit." I tell her as she laughs and moves towards me seductively. "Well we can always skip it and make our own reservations." She said biting her lip as she kissed my mouth. I pulled her into my arms as as I lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist banging our tongues together. It was getting hot in here, and it wasn't me about to transform. But something else was transforming.  "ooo someone is getting excited." She said biting my ear as she whispered in my ear.

"You guys literally do this everyday." A female voice spoke in the room as Yasmine jumped up from my arms. "Gosh Daiya! How many times do we have to tell you to not pop up like that?" Yasmine asked getting aggravated once she landed on her feet. "Oh please. I'm technically everywhere. I can hear you guys fucking from miles away. Did you forget I'm still a werewolf." She stated as she was floating sitting crisscrossed Indian style. "Like damn its been a whole year. You guys don't get tired fucking the same person. At this point I know when both of you are about to cum." Daiya says as she stands up on her feet.

"Oh oh Yasmine... I'm about to... I'm about to... uhhh." Daiya says laughing out loud uncontrollably. "You know I liked you better when you brought me back to life. You were at least half considerate." Yasmine said as I look myself in the mirror. I had a full beard on my face now. It's been a whole year without any vampires attacking or werewolves. The ancestry age had came to a conclusion. That's what we decided to call it. Since everybody who had arrived shared wolf blood. They weren't bitten, scratched, or dranked from the blood of a Alpha. They just appeared out of nowhere. And they all had an ancestor who was a werewolf before them.

"Daiya." I said seriously as she stopped laughing. Daiya was a ghost now or a spirit. She still possesses her abilities and more. She was stuck here to roam this world after Derek killed her. She said she couldn't leave until she met Death. Death is another spirit who she said is the Death Angel. She was living with me and Yasmine in our cabin house away from the city. She had no where to go so I let her stay with me considering we had three rooms. "So your saying. When we die. There is no heaven or hell... and that the Death Angel will chase us? Sounds like nonsense to me." Yasmine said as a howl came outside of our cabin house. My pack lived down the woods near beach Hurrina. A big beach. But no normal human goes there as the beach had been closed for many years.

"You have to go Alpha Daddy?" Yasmine said biting her lip at me as I used my super hearing to listen to the howls. "No. It's nothing major their hunting." I told her as Daiya looked at me with a look of don't leave me here. "Daiya. I don't think a Spirit is after you." I told her trying to make her feel better as that made it worse. She turned off the lights using her electricity aura. "Turn it back on." I said. "No." She replied. "Daiya." I warned her. "Yes big brother?" She said smiling and tilting her head to the side looking at me sideways. Yasmine was now sitting on the bed as the lights came back on. "You know this sucks. I rather had been better off neck snapped and
a rotting corpse." Daiya sighed trying to sit on the bed but fading right through it.

"Don't say that Daiya." Yasmine said frowning at her as she rolled her eyes at her. "Daiya I've done all I can do." I told her as she stood up looking afraid. "I don't want to die again. James... you have to help me." She said as me and Yasmine looked at each other with a worried expression. "Daiya I can't even touch you. How am I going to help you?" I asked her as the electricity was starting to circle around her. "This Death Angel really has you bothered. Where do you see him Daiya?" Yasmine asked as she stood up to hold my hand as we listen to my little sister.

Daiya POV

They were finally understanding that I was being serious. James knows I never frighten easily so the way he was looking at me said it all. "It all happened when I jumped into Yasmine's body to start her heart." I said as I remember everything that happened that moment.

Flashback to Last year

I looked at Yasmine as me and James had walked over to her as the wolves moved aside. "She's gone." Malia said causing James to growl at her. It wasn't Malias fault but James wasn't going to listen to me with his girlfriend lifeless on the ground. So to clear everything up i needed to resurrect Yasmine before her soul was with me. I Jumped into Yasmine's body. To whom who was outside watching over her made seem like it was seconds but for me it was hours. As I healed the hole in her heart something had appeared inside of her as well. It was something wrong. The whole vibe felt cold in her body as the spirit drew himself closer to me. We were orbs inside of her body but we could see each other's actual appearance.

He stood over 8ft tall and he wore a black cloak that left a trail of black mist or smoke. The presence of his surly felt evil as he reveal his face. He had no face. It creeped me out so bad I disappeared out of Yasmines body. I found myself all the way in China surrounded in the busy streets. "Where the hell am I?" I asked a woman who was calming her child down. She couldn't see me as I walked right in and out her body. Right. I'm a ghost now. How did I get here? It looks like I'm in China. How did I get to China I want to be in the United States. With my big brother. All of a sudden mist of blue electricity sparks started to form from the ground and just like that I was right back with James.

"Daiya... you saved me?" Yasmine looked as if she was asking as I nodded my head as she tried to hug me but I faded right in her arms. "Uh sorry. Thank you Daiya." Yasmine said as James looked at me as if he was unsure.

Present day

"And that's how I learned that I can teleport." I told them as they looked at me crazy. "Why didn't you tell us you seen something like that?" Yasmine asked as I grew irritated. "Yasmine." I said blankly. "Daiya." She responded. "What the fuck You think i been trying to tell you for the past hour." I said as she rolled her eyes. "Daiya. I lost you once. I promise I won't lose you again. Spirit or not. I'm the Alpha. I'm going to kick The Death Angels ass for fucking with my little sister." James said as his eyes glowed red.

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