Transformation Two

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Daiya POV

Rain had pour down hard as everyone was ready to battle. The pack was going to follow whatever James does whether it be right or wrong. Death stood still staring down at me as I stood still staring at him. "YOU CAN'T KILL HIM!" Yasmine yelled out as James was still walking towards the spirit. He ready his Scythe as the wolves charged at him. Thinking they were going to maul him down but they phased right through him. This went on for minutes as they tried to attack him. No attack would land as they would bite and scratch nothing but air. "My turn." He said as I stood still scared as he held his hand out blasting air out of his palm knocking all the wolves back.

James got up growling as Yasmine finally jumped in to fight as well. "The only way we're going to do this is together. Come on Daiya!" Yasmine said as I stood still as she was looking at me desperately. But I couldn't move. He was going to kill me. I had already died by Derek... and now I'm going to die again. James didn't bother looking at me as he charged head on straight. Sliced. He got his armed cut off as he whelped and howled in pain. He turned around growling as he snapped his jaw catching nothing but air. "Enough." Death said as he swung his Scythe in the air bringing it down to cut off James head. The big wolf head rolled towards my feet as I looked down feeling completely broken. "JAMES!!" Yasmine ran towards him crying as she looked at me with anger in her eyes. "I'm going... I'm going to try something." Yasmine said as everyone was knocked down and Death was approaching me.

Everything stands still for a moment before I look up to see Death wasn't in front of me anymore.

Whoosh. James got up growling as Yasmine finally jumped in to fight as well. "The only way we're going to do this is together. Come on Daiya!" Yasmine said as I looked confused. I look around seeing all the wolves knocked down as James charged at him. "NO!!" I screamed as I held my hand out causing a blast of air to push James away from Death just as he was about to slice his head off. "This.. what.. what's going on?" I asked looking at my hands. Death stuck his Scythe into my stomach as I felt my soul escaping. "Your Soul Is..." he said as a rush of wind circled around us as I was right back standing still. "Yasmine. Are you... are you reversing time." I asked as she was out of breath.

Yasmine was using her mind power to time travel. I don't know much about it but I know it's possible for us to do. With enough training and will power I'm sure me or James can do it too. But Yasmine has been around for hundreds of years... she's had all the time in the world to master this ability. She's using 40% of her brain power to do the impossible. But it's killing her to do it... so why is she killing herself?

Yasmine was panting hard as if she was having a asthma attack. James looked at her confused as to what's going on. He doesn't even know he died. "Holy shit. James died and now he's alive. So everything that just happened was real. Your fucking awesome Yasmine!" I said as she fell down on her knees. "Daiya. Your have to fight him... if I reverse time... again... I'm going to die." She said catching her breath as I nodded. Death watched us before turning into his human form.

"You have grown powerful Yasmine. Where did you learn that ability. You know what. It doesn't matter. You can't do it anymore without sacrificing your life. Now move." He said as he threw his Scythe at me with full power as I dodged it. He held his hand out as it came back to him but as he summon it he was off guard. I held my hands out blasting force to him as he flew back. He managed to flip himself to Land on his feet. "That won't happen again." He said as his teeth grew fangs. Death was a vampire.

"Daiya." James said as I looked back to see him holding Yasmine in his arms as she was faintly looking up at him. Damn. "Kick his ass." James said as I felt immediate anger flow through my body as my eyes felt hot. "Impossible." Death said as my fingernails grew into claws. A growl escaped from my mouth as I felt the inside of my body emerge into flames. My remains that left me to appear human changed into fur. "You killed my brother. I can never forget that." I stated as I had grown taller. I looked in the mirror of the car and I didn't transform into a gigantic wolf. I was a... a wolf woman.

I looked human but everything on me was fur and my fingernails were claws. I didn't have paws or a tail. I had evolved my wolf transformation. "Holy shit." We can do that?" One of the wolves said as they had all transformed back into humans to watch me kick Deaths ass. Two ghost. A vampire ghost and a werewolf ghost fighting to perish one another's souls.

"Don't get cocky. That transformation isn't going to help you." He said as he swung his Scythe left and right as I easily dodged it. My whole body was responding to his attacks as I wasn't thinking anymore. Every time he swung at me I swiftly dodge it. The wolves all started to cheer me on as the alpha of them, my brother watched me with a big smile on his face.

"KICK HIS ASS SIS!" James said as I got distracted catching a slice to my stomach. Clouds of air escaped my stomach as I held it. I grabbed him throwing him in the air as he flew up wings bursting out of his back. He was flying and now I couldn't reach him. He flew into me grabbing me by my neck tossing me in the air. I couldn't fly in this transformation. I brace for impact as I hold my hands out air blasting from my hands sending me back in the air. I punched him in his face as he punched me back in mine. I grabbed onto him as he flung me off of him. He swung his Scythe repeatedly Flying towards me as I grabbed it pulling it from him. I was the one wielding the weapon now.

I swing the weapon towards his wings chopping them off as he groaned in pain. I tackled him as we were already falling down Boom. I landed on top of him as he was defeated. The fur on my ghost skin blowing in the wind as I transformed back into my human spirit. "Holy shit." James said as I dropped the Scythe running up to him. "I did it big brother!" I said as I was smiling hard in front of him. "Yes. You did. You have to show me how to transform into that. Holy shit that was badass." He said as I felt a sharp wince of pain fling into my back as James mouth opened up in pain. "What!? No." I turned my head to see Death in his spirit form surrounded in flames.

"I'm not scared of you." I told him as he threw me off the Scythe. The wolves back In their wolf bodies as he chopped them all down one by one. He was pissed. They all were killed. I ran towards him as he sent me flying back with just a look. I tried to transform into my wolf woman form that I had managed to do earlier. But I couldn't awaken my body. He did something to me. Yasmine got up finally able to move again. "I'm going to kill everyone you love Daiya Michelle Moxs starting with your brother." Death said as everything slowed down and I couldn't move or talk. It's like I had been frozen.

Yasmine POV

Everyone was dead. And he was about to cut James's  head off again. I couldn't allow that. Even if means I die. WHOOSH. I run harder than the last two times as I focus on this exact same moment. The moment where Daiya won. I look down at my hands as they were starting to fall off into dust. I close my eyes as I know this is going to be my last time to redo this. I hope Daiya can pull this off, if not their both dead.


"You are special. You have extraordinary power. You can do things the other vampires cannot. Which is why I favor you." Thanatos told me as I child as I never knew what he meant. Until one day me and my brother Ajax were having a race as children and I sped off so fast I reversed time. They say each of the vampires have an ability that only they can possess. Mine happened to be able to manipulate time itself.

Present day

James POV

Daiya had the Scythe in her hand as i looked down at Yasmine. Daiya looked at me as she walked towards me. "Yasmine." She said her voice shaking as I held her up straight so she could look at her. She was disintegrating. Tears were falling down my face as I shake her to wake up. She didn't say a word. My eyes glowing hot as my vision was red. She finally opened her eyes. But her whole Legs and arms were gone. They flew into dust in the air as she looked at me smiling. "I love you." She told me as she vanished completely. Death got up as he looked at our direction. "That was your last Chance." He said as Daiya roared shaking the woods while Transforming into her wolf woman form.

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