Hurting paws

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Malia POV

My paws start to hurt as I've been wondering the woods for months. I've been avoiding large packs of other wolves and I don't even insist on going near vampires. I live with constant regret... every time I close my eyes Daiya is taunting me. She tells me I'm next. I cry every day knowing her death could've been avoided if I just stopped Derek. I have dreams where James is arriving to kill me... and he has a pack. Each time I get ripped to shreds and my remaining body parts get thrown in burning flames.
As I'm thinking I come to a stop to see a mist of blue electricity sparks forming from the ground. I'm puzzled as a woman's figure appears through the smoke. It's Daiya.

I look at her as she looks beautifuler than before, her hair longer and her skin is clear. I go to hug her but I ran right into her my fur getting stung by the electricity. I phase back to my human body as I'm standing face to face with... a ghost. "How?." I asked as she looks around before smiling at me. "You killed me." She tells me as my heart sinks as I tilt my head trying to talk but she motions me to stop. "It's okay Malia." She says as I nod as she looks around the woods as I follow. "Why are you a ghost?"I asked as she shrugs. "There is no heaven or a hell for the supernatural. We Just roam realms and dimensions hoping to return to our bodies. Our world. But nothing happens we just watch you all live on with your lives. Some move on. But not me." She says as she comes to a stop looking at me.

"I keep showing you the future. But you don't leave. You stay in town wondering these woods." She tells me as I look at her. If anybody camping were out they would freak out. A naked girl talking to a ghost. "So those dreams I've been having... they're real?" I asked as she nods her head. "My brother kills you." She says as I sink down in awe. I don't know what to think about that. I thought I was just being paranoid. A Loud gunshot ring throughout the woods as I look the direction they sound from. "It's happening." Daiya says as she disappears leaving me by myself. Part of me is telling me to not go that way. I'll die. Who would've thought the guy I slept with would kill me. But he's probably in danger. Those gunshots are coming from humans.

James POV

One of the men dropped down from the bullet as he was killed on sight. My new pack enlarged into their wolf bodies. The body that was murdered melted as the smoked singed from his body as he emerged into a dead wolf corpse. "What the fuck!" Ava said as she was standing with us as Yasmine was on my right. "Be good little dogs and stand down. Our these woods is gonna have a bunch of dead strays." The big bulky guy from Many months ago had returned. "You again." I said as he smiled at me. "Where's your sister kid. I thought you two were inseparable." He said as Daiya flashed through my head as I remember her... how could I forget her. "Don't mention her." I stated as we stood face to face. Many men were behind him as Trees fell down as a tank arrived on the scene.

"You won't win." He stated. "Allow me to properly reintroduce myself kid. I am The collider. And these our my soldiers under my command. "The collider?" Ava says before breaking out laughing as everyone else laughs to. Even his own men crackle in the back snickering. "Bitch please. That shit go hard." He says as I read his tags. "Conox." I said reading his last name as he showed signs of impatience. "Collider." He said as snickers and giggles were heard from both fields. "Enough of this rain Fire!" He yelled before rolling out of the way as bullets flew my direction as I felt a burst of wind whip past me.

Yasmine POV

I manage to slow Time down but doing this drains a lot of power from me and is very unhealthy for me to do. But things are escalating and I have to keep my soul mate alive. If James Die so will I. Not physically but mentally. We are linked. Ava notices the time Is frozen and everyone is stuck in place. "Oh shit.. can I do that?" She says as I shake my head no. "We all have our own different abilities but this one is a family power." I tell her as she nods smiling. "That's cool princess. You are useful for something. I'm still going to kill you, Just not today." She says as she's gone in a blink of an eye. I have a feeling she's going to do something unnecessary. I'll just have to deal with it later when the time comes. I use my super speed to kill the men as I snapped each and every last one of their necks. I run through the tank as fire emerges as I run back to James's side. Unfreezing time as the bodies drop and the tank explodes. I'm such a badass.

I winced as I feel pain as I look down to a Wooden stake stabbed into my chest. "NOO!" James charged at Conox as he tossed James off of him swinging him in the air. I collapsed down as the wolves guarded me as Conox was the only one left standing. I saw blackness as my eyes closed. At least I made it a fair fight. I did my part My love.

All I ever wanted was true love and you've given me that, I'm thankful... James.

James POV

"Go ahead and turn into a big ass wolf so I can put your head on my wall." Conox said as I wasn't into talking right now. He was going to die. "I'm going to BASH your fucking skull open with my bare hands." I told him as he grinned as I was ready to battle but a light brown wolf emerged from the pack attacking Conox. She ate his face as he never stood a chance as the wolf shifted back into... Malia. I grabbed her by her throat as the wolves was growling and ready to attack. "Ja...mes Daiya.." I was about to crush her throat when I was pushed by nothing as I looked confused. Smoke fogged up as electricity formed into a woman's figure. Daiya. "Hey Big brother." She says as a tear fell down my face. She was a ghost.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you." I tell her as she tries to hug me but went through me as her face breaks into a frown. "You did protect me. And you Avenged me." She tells me as we stood face to face. She looks at Yasmine as she walks over to her as the wolves move aside. "She's gone." Malia says as I growl at her as she looks afraid of me. Daiya Jumped into Yasmine's body and as if like a rush of energy pumped her she jumped up and was breathing again. Daiya was out of her body as we watched her disappear. "Yas... I thought I lost you." I told her as she hugs me as I hold her in my arms. "Me. Too." She said. Me too.

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