eleven ♬

487 15 0

"Seungkwan put the soju back!" I whisper-shouted at the boy who was carrying over a crate of alcohol. He didn't listen to me and kept walking over, the smug look on his face growing.

Shopping with Seungkwan was a nightmare.

It took 1 hour of arguing to finally convince him that getting chocolate cake won't turn his skin green, despite his sister saying so. I can't believe how gullible this boy is, honestly. Green skin from chocolate cake? Really? It also took another hour to actually find a cake which he approved of. I get that he wants the day to be perfect and all, but judging by the kind of people Seokmin and Vernon are I think they'd be satisfied with anything.

Now, Seungkwan is trying to add alcohol to the list of things we need. There are several problems with this.

The first off it's illegal.

The second one is; it's illegal.

And finally, it's illegal.

The last thing I need is to get arrested for underaged drinking.

"Cmon," He whined

"The owner and I are friends. I've done this before, relax."

I was very much the opposite of relaxed.

"Where the hell would we even keep it?"

The question stopped the boy for a moment.

"I'll get Woo-bin to deliver it to us in three days."

"Woo-bin?" I asked.

"Yes Woo-bin. He's the store owner. I just told you we were friends. You need to learn how to keep up," he sassed whilst walking up to the till. After Seungkwan spoke with the store owner, we bought all the items and were on our way back.

"It's gonna be amazing, I can feel it," Seungkwan squealed excitedly,

"They are going to love it!"

The next four days passed, the arrival of the birthdays had come. Seungkwan could not stop talking about it, making me sit separately with him at lunch away from our usual group. It was kinda cute how excited he was to surprise his friends, so I didn't mind.

That morning, I quickly sent a text to the group chat wishing them a happy birthday.

                          the lunchables 🥪


happy birthday Vernon and Seokmin🎂

sent 06:07


happy day of birth my friends! We planned something special tonight for you guys!

sent 06:08

Seokmin replied almost immediately, whilst Vernon took another 40 minutes to even read it. That boy loves to sleep in.


thank youu chae-ri!!

sent 6:10



sent 6:13


thank you kwan

sent 6:20

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now