thirty six ♬

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"Chae-ri? Are you doing okay?"

Joshua gave me a concerned look and closed the English textbook in front of him. That was the third time I'd zoned out during our study session.

"Sorry I'm a little distracted," I apologised tiredly, sighing as I held my face in my hands.

Ever since Mingyu revealed to me that Seokmin likes someone, my thoughts have descended into chaos. Night after night, I'm kept awake by the butterflies in my stomach and the
incredibly real possibility that he might like me back.

Sounds delusional, right?

The worst part - all this mindless imagining has led me to have zero sleep. Just last night, I got into my bed at 11pm but only fell asleep at around 3am. What was I even thinking about for four hours? It's becoming a terrible habit that I need to get rid of as soon as possible.

And even though Mingyu claimed that Seokmin was going to make his move soon, things remained the same between the two of us. We practiced, had lunch, chatted together - nothing new.

That made me doubt whether I was the one he had feelings for. Of course, he had assured me that I am closer to him than JJ is, but people lie all the time just to make others feel at ease. Once, when I went shopping with Jeonghan during our school days, I held up a shirt to show him and pretended to like it. He said it looked gorgeous and that I should buy it if I liked it - the reality was that shirt was a monstrosity to the fashion industry and should've never seen the light of day.

Point? Proven.

"The queen has arrived!"

Seungkwan strutted boldly into the room, instantly snapping me awake. Vernon shuffled in quietly behind him.

JJ and Bo-ri, who were also using the room to study, silently judged the dramatic entrance from afar.

Thankfully, I'd had no further altercations with Bo-ri. However, there was still an unsettling pit of despair that gnawed away at the edges of my mind whenever she entered the room. Her hatred unnerved me, and it felt like it was only a matter of time before she tries something again.

"We're playing badminton tonight in the canteen," Vernon announced. "I'm in charge of putting together the partners, so anyone here interested?"

"Serious offers only," Seungkwan added, side eying Bo-ri. "And I play to win. So if my partner tries to help the other pair, let's just say I won't take that kind of disrespect lightly. I'll slap a biatch if I have to."

Damn, Boo Seungkwan knows how to shade.

"I am!" JJ excitedly put her hand up. "I love badminton! What about you?"

She turned to face her friend who certainly didn't share the same enthusiasm.

"Je ne sais pas," Bo-ri studied her nails, bored and walked over slowly until she stood next to my table. "Le badminton - c'est un véritable casse-tête. Ça ne m'intéresse pas."

"Since when can you speak French?" Joshua exclaimed in surprise.

"Apparently she met a girl online who speaks French and now they're friends," JJ shrugged, returning her attention to the other boys. "Guess it's only me then."

"Ok so one," Vernon whipped out a notepad, jotting down JJ's name. "Chae-ri?"

"Sure," I agreed. "Don't put me with Jeonghan though - he sucks at badminton."

"Don't worry," Seungkwan sidled up to me conspiringly. "We already have your partner picked out. Anyways, that's all!"

The boys left as fast as they came, leaving the four of us alone again in the room.

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now