twenty nine ♬

370 14 3

A/N - very long chapter incoming

A couple weeks passed, bringing us near to the end of April. Bo-ri hadn't spoken to me since that day, which was a blessing since I despised her company anyways. Every so often, especially during lunch, she'd look over to give me an obnoxious smile and wave. Usually, I'd ignore her but sometimes when I was feeling extra fun, I'd give her the finger. You should see her face when I do, so irritated yet so hilarious.

Recently, Jihoon took up more hours in the recording studio which meant I was still the one helping Jun and Minghao with their Korean. Don't get me wrong, I love helping those boys, but I am going to lose my mind if I have to spend another week trying to explain verb conjugation. Speaking of Jihoon, I still hadn't gotten around to asking him about piano lessons yet. I should probably do that at some point.

It's lunchtime, and like always the other guys are running late. I pull out my phone to message them, threatening that I will all the takeout before they get there if they don't hurry up.

  the lunchables 🥪

yo if you boys don't get here in the next 5 minutes
i swear on Seungkwan's life that I will eat all this jjajjangmyeon
right here right now
sent 11:35

why my life???
we r legit here be patient
sent 11:36

lmao kwan no we r not
I told you trying to buy rice balls from the convenience store would not take 5 minutes smh
sent 11:36

you're at the convenience store??
that's like 3 streets away dude
is seokmin with you guys??
buy me a drink tho
sent 11:37

yuh I'm here too!
what kind you want :D
sent 11:37

choco milk <3
sent 11:38

yes ma'am 🫡
sent 11:38

ew I'm going to bleach my eyes
get a room
sent 11:38

sent 11:38

Just then, a voice interrupted my incredibly heartfelt conversation with Seungkwan.

"I heard you were looking for me," Jihoon said as he sat down in the seat next me.

"What's up?"

"Oh yeah," I responded, slightly surprised by his sudden presence. "I was just wondering, since you're really good at playing instruments and all, if you could maybe teach me how to play the piano?"

I crossed my fingers, hoping that he would agree.

"Of course!" Jihoon exclaimed excitedly. "I'd love to! Which days are you free?"

"Could we practice over the weekends during our free periods? I know you'll be busy and all but-"

"Weekends.... Free periods...... Ok, I'll see you then!" Jihoon mumbled to himself before shooting up from his seat and heading out of the canteen.

I checked the clock in the canteen for the time; which now read 11:45. Well, I gave them 10 minutes instead of 5 so I think they deserve what's coming next. I took my chopsticks and scooped up a large helping of jjajjangmyeon. As I was about to start eating, someone burst through the doors causing a huge commotion and made me drop my cutlery in shock.

"I command you to stop!" Seungkwan bellowed as he stood in a power stance with his hand out in front of him.

A breathless Vernon trailed behind him, carrying a plastic bag full of miscellaneous items. Shortly after, a happy Seokmin came bounding in with a drink in his hand.

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now