thirty eight ♬

345 16 1

ik i said no new parts until the beginning of next month
but who cares
new chapter!


Following the phone fiasco, rumours began circulating. My lunch table rights were immediately revoked as per Seokmin's wishes, and with Jeonghan and I on the outs, the study group deteriorated. Jihoon cut down my piano lessons to only once a week and now, even Jun and Minghao were afraid to talk to me.

As expected, Bo-ri stirred the pot whenever I entered a room, worsening the situation to her benefit.

"Look, it's phone girl. Wonder what desperate text she'll send the boys this time," She'd say, snickering to JJ who looked unamused.

The only two people who'd willingly come within a five foot radius of me was Wonwoo and Chan. Seungcheol occasionally checked in on me, but nothing more.

"How could they believe it was you who sent those?" Chan quizzically asked, frustrated on my behalf.

"They'll come around eventually," Wonwoo assured, handing me a controller. "Until then, I'll keep beating you both at Kartrider."

Recently, the pair had been teaching me how to play several racing games. For someone who's never had driving lessons, I would like to think I'm pretty good at it so far.

"This is boring me!" Chan complained, throwing aside his controller. "I want to do something fun! Like swimming!"

"Do you even know how to swim?" I teased, earning myself a death glare from Chan.

"There's a pool not far from here," Wonwoo announced, showing us the directions on his phone. "We could go after our schedule today. Maybe I could invite the others - help clear the air, you know?"

"Are you sure that's the best call?" I nervously questioned. "Seokmin and Jeonghan hate my guts right now, and I'm pretty sure everyone's taken their side. Wouldn't this make things worse?"

"Isolating ourselves, like we are doing now, isn't making things any better," Wonwoo said. "Inviting them would be as if we were extending an olive branch - the first step towards mending what's broken. A peace offering, if you shall. But if it makes you uncomfortable, then just the three of us could go instead."

"I think you're right, Wonwoo," I nodded. "Let's tell them to come too. And if it goes badly, at least I tried right? It's almost time for us to head to our lessons. See you later."

They waved goodbye to me as I left for my room. Once I got there, I noticed a strange looking piece of paper on my desk.

practice has been moved to 2pm.
- soonyoung

He'll write me notes, but won't talk to me? Strange.

Anyways, I'm thankful he let me know.

With more free time than I expected, I decided to hunker down and get more studying done.


By the time I strolled into the vocal practice room, it was 1:58. The trainees were already inside, and it looked as if I was interrupting them.

"What time do you call this?" Ms Chang scolded, angrily snapping her head my way. "You're two hours late! We are halfway through the session!"

"What?" I replied, feeling shocked and anxious. "But Soonyoung told me that our lesson had been moved to 2pm!"

"No I didn't," Soonyoung seemed as out of the loop as I was.

"Yeah, you did." I responded, handing him the note from earlier. "You left this on my desk."

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now