forty three ♬

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"Hey Seungkwan?" Jihoon scratched his head, bemused by what was before him. "I thought you said your mum found us a really cool place to stay?"

"Yeah," Jeonghan chimed in. "When you mentioned it being kinda rural, I pictured lakeside lodge - not a literal cabin in the woods."

"You know what happens to people who stay in secluded cabins in the woods..." Soonyoung shuddered, trailing off as he made a cutting motion across his neck.

"First of all - you're all lucky that we aren't cramped in the house with my mum again this year," Seungkwan fired back, dropping his heavy bag to the wooden floor.

"But I love staying with your mum! She used to make me fresh bungeoppang!" Mingyu whined.

"She made you bungeoppang!?" Chan was shocked, slightly betrayed even - as were many others around him. "Why didn't you ever share it with us!?"

"That's besides the point!" Seungkwan feared he was losing the room, waving his arms about to return the focus to him. "And for you information, we are far from being secluded - the town centre is literally twenty steps that way."

He pointed out the window towards a clearing in the trees that lead to a main road. At the end of that path, if you turned left, the town would only be a 4 minute walk away.

"There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms; there is going to be a lot of sharing going on so no funny business ," Seungcheol announced, staring directly at me during those last few words.

Just how many people did Seungkwan tell??

Being the only girls around, JJ and I bunked in the room farthest down the hall which had its own separate bathroom. The other rooms were split as follows :

1. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua
2. Jun, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon
3. Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao
4. Seungkwan, Vernon, Chan

"Take your time unpacking, and let's meet back in the living room at 12," Joshua smiled, turning back into his room and closed the door.

"Looks like we're stuck together I guess," JJ laughed uncomfortably, attempting to fill in the awkward silence. The two of us hadn't spoken since the whole Bo-ri incident, mainly because she didn't bother stopping her crazy friend from trying to ruin my life nor did she stand up for me when she did.

"JJ can we just drop it? I want to enjoy this weekend," I sighed, diffusing the tension ever so slightly. "Whatever you did - or didn't do - doesn't matter right now, okay?"

"She was never like that you know," JJ said, gently placing her bag down on her bed as her expression grew distant, as she reminisced her past.

"And you haven't seen her since elementary school," I shot back, bringing her back to reality. "So whatever version of herself that you're comparing Bo-ri to is outdated. People change - and for some god-awful reason she decided to morph into some two-faced-"

"She's a good person deep down! I know it doesn't seem like it right now-"

"Does a good person humiliate someone in front of all their friends? Do they steal people's phones, send dodgy messages whilst pretending to be someone else and hang up naked photos for all to see? Is that seriously what your definition of a good person is?" I hissed, my words attacking her.

"Of course not! But that isn't what I'm talking about-"

"Oh enlighten me JJ; what exactly is it that you mean when-"

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now