Issue #8 - My New Robot Roommate

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"And this..." I gestured towards the door. "Is my apartment room."

"So this is your base, Master." Sophie replied.

"You can just call it home, you know." I sighed. "Even if it isn't the best place."

I lived in a cheap apartment in order to save on costs as much as I could, and that came with the added benefit of not many neighbors. This old building had a few problems with it and you could tell from the outside.

But, it was worth it. Even if I do have to take freezing showers...

"Home?" She tilted her head.

"I mean, yeah." I shrugged. "Unless you want to leave."

Please don't, I do not want to have to worry about this place getting leaked. And then I'll have to move and find another apartment-

"I must stay." She simply stated. "I cannot serve Master otherwise."

"Alright." I smiled. "Then let's enter."

I pulled my old key out, putting it into the doorknob. I turned and fiddled with the lock until it finally unlocked and allowed me entry into my room.

I hate that damn door.

I held the door open for Sophie. She entered the room, slowly looking all around it as if she was scanning the sights in. If anything, she probably was.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I spoke, tossing my new briefcase onto the bed. I opened it up, revealing all of the wads of cash inside. I then pulled a floorboard under the bed up and started to stash some of the cash in there.

"So I've been meaning to ask..." I spoke up as I continued hiding cash in various spots around the apartment room. "...what can you do? Other than super strength and concussive blasts."

"Anything you require of me, Master." Sophie answered.

"I meant like, specifically. Examples?" I asked.

"I am programmed to do anything my master requests." Sophie stated.

I can't tell if she's avoiding the question or is just that literal.

"Right." I replied. "You said that you were called model AW-VSD III, right? What does that stand for?"

"Automatic Weapon Villain Suppression Device." Sophie answered.

You're kidding me.

She's supposed to be an automated hero?!

"Why are you following me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

She tilted her head in response. "Because you are my master."

...well, I doubt she's a part of some elaborate set up. Though I should still be cautious.

I hope this is worth it.

"Alright." I sighed, stashing a wad of cash into my pocket. "Let's get you some new clothes."

"I am an automated weapon." Sophie replied. "I do not require clothes."

"Yeah, but you still look like a human and you need more than that dusty white dress." I countered. "You're going to be posing as my sister now, and people are gonna think I'm abusive if that's all you wear."

"Understood, Master." Sophie nodded. "Dusty white dresses are not your kink either."

"I-are you messing with me?" I turned towards her, only to see her blankly looking back at me with that same expressionless face.

I seriously cannot read her...

"I attempted a human joke." She finally stated. "I apologize, Master. I have overstepped my boundaries."

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