Issue #33 - The Cromwell's Daughter

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"Hey there Alexis, how'd you find that name...?" I awkwardly chuckled.

"I've been doing a little bit of searching, you know." She smiled at me. "Is Jason your real name? Or is it Will? What do I call you, dear?"

"Not dear, that's for sure!" I struggled once again, trying to kick at Alexis. However she stood right outside my reach, simply smiling with her hands behind my back. "That's a kind of animal!"

"As dense as ever..." She sighed into her hand. On it was a shining golden ring with a dazzling blue gem.

No, it was an act because you're damn scary.

Suddenly a hole was blasted through the roof of the warehouse as someone crashed through, landing down behind the men and their cars and creating cracks in the pavement.

Sophie stood up, clad in her maid outfit. She stared at the men in suits who quickly turned to start pointing their guns at her. Her arm morphed into a cannon as she pointed it at them.

"Release Master, at once." Ordered Sophie.

"...master?" Alexis questioned. "Oh, you got a servant! How wonderful! Please stand back, this is inbetween your master and I."

"I will not let you hurt Master." Sophie rebutted.

"Look..." Alexis sighed, before glaring at Sophie with a cold gaze. "...I'd be happy to talk with you later over tea. But back off. This is in-between wife and husband."

"Wife...?" Sophie questioned, her eyes darting to me.

"You're not my wife!" I argued. "There was no wedding!"

"Oh yes, because someone died." Alexis looked back at me. "But now you're alive! We can proceed with the wedding."

" had a fiancé?" Sophie looked towards us, a dangerous aura forming around her.

"Not exactly-" I nervously tried to calm her down, only to get cut off.

"Tut tut, don't lie." Alexis wagged her finger. "Lying to your servants sows seeds of distrust, honey. And besides, you're the one who proposed."

"Master...proposed?" Sophie took a step forwards, her heterochromia eyes empty, like an infinite void you could drown in.

"Please don't take any more steps forward." Alexis crossed her arms. "Or my men will be forced to fire. And I'd rather not kill my honey's servant."

Sophie took another step forwards, as if in defiance.

Before Alexis could even say anything the men fired their guns, spraying Sophie will bullets. They ripped through her maid outfit, leaving numerous holes. But instead of seeing a bunch of blood like expected, each and every bullet bounced off of her harmlessly.

"Well shit." Alexis raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Sophie blasted forwards, shooting her sonic cannon and sending a couple of the men flying. She picked one of the cars up, using it to smack more of the men and send them flying as well.

She then chucked the car into the wall, completely destroying it.

"You have quite the impressive servant, honey." Alexis nodded.

Sophie's other arm morphed into her laser, which she then pointed at Alexis.

"Let go of Master." Sophie demanded.

"Alright, alright." Alexis put her hands up with a smile, to my surprise. From what I remembered, she was never the type to back down from a confrontation.

I felt myself get lowered as the hand started to bring me back down. As I reached the ground Alexis leaned over, kissing me on the cheek as my feet hit the ground. She then slapped my back as I walked over to Sophie and stood next to the robot.

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