Issue #16 - Scary Hot Boss Lady

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I yawned to myself as I sat up in bed. I stretched my hands over my head, before rubbing my eyes and opening them to see Sophie standing right by the bed. She held a plate in her hands, which she then handed to me.

I looked down to see some pancakes, syrup and bacon.

"I said you didn't need to make breakfast for me, you know." I reminded her. "I'm not enough of a breakfast person for the effort."

"It is ok, Master." Sophie replied. "I wanted to make it for you."

"Alright then." I replied, dipping a pancake into the syrup and munching on it. "This is good."

Sophie nodded. Like usual, she was clad in her maid outfit. Her dedication to wearing it is seriously something.

I quickly ate the breakfast, and then stood up, only for Sophie to grab the sleeve of my shirt. I turned to her, where she put her hand out.

I looked at it for a moment, before giving it a high five.

"No, Master." Sophie replied. She grabbed my plate from my hands, walking over to the sink and starting to clean it.

"You really don't need to..." I sighed as she continued to clean it. I really should've just done that myself, you know.

Hm, do I need to go on a shopping trip? What is my stock of food at the moment? I opened my moderate sized fridge, seeing that it was emptier than I had expected.

"Damn, how long has it been since I went to get groceries?" I scratched my head. Sophie doesn't eat at all, cause she doesn't need to, so it hasn't changed my normal food buying schedule.

Which is that I usually get like three weeks of stuff at once. I'd rather have one larger shopping trip then multiple smaller ones.

I'm the kinda guy to use one trip and carry all the bags, you get me?

"Well Sophie, guess we're going grocery shopping today." I stated.

"Understood, Master." Sophie nodded.

I quickly got ready for the day, changing into some simple black shorts and a red shirt. I walked back out of the bathroom, seeing Sophie still in her maid outfit.

"You're still in your maid outfit." I pointed out.

"I know, Master." Sophie replied. She held up some pants, before pulling them up and over the skirt of the maid outfit. She then grabbed a shirt and wore it over the main torso of the maid outfit and then stripped the white gloves, effectively hiding the outfit.

"You like the maid outfit that much...?" I sweatdropped.

"I must be ready at all times, Master." Sophie stated. "It is the proper attire for a servant. Next time an incident like yesterday happens, I shall be ready."

I'm starting to think we should get you multiple maid outfits if you're going to be wearing them this much.

"Let's leave them." I replied. "Let's see, I have my key, wallet, burner phone, switchblade, shopping list, and gun. Alright, we're good."

We exited the apartment, locking it behind us and heading towards the nearest supermarket. It was only a short walk away so it didn't take long until we were in.

"Welcome to the supermarket." I spread my arms out with a grin. "Your first time, yes?"

"Yes." Sophie affirmed. "What do you need?"

"Here's the list." I pulled out the piece of paper that was my shopping list. She took a moment to look at it, before nodding and starting to walk away.

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