Issue #74 - A Date With My Archnemesis

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Why is this happening?

My mask and ski mask were taken off, hiding underneath my hoodie with the rest of my gear. This left me looking like I was only wearing a black hoodie, combat pants, and boots. Like a civilian rather than a villain.

And as for Stellar, she flew off quickly and returned just a few minutes later. She wore a hoodie of her own, along with some shorts. Her hair was tied up into a bun and she wore red glasses with prescription-less lenses. No longer her superhero persona of Stellar, but now as her civilian self Sarah.

And there was also the fact she was hanging onto my arm. This would make some semblance of sense if we needed to be a couple for this little undercover mission, but we don't!

I thought you liked Miracle! That's why you left me alone when I revealed that I wasn't him! So why are you now hanging onto my arm like a girlfriend?!

I can hardly understand the turn of events that has happened this past week.

Anyways, ignoring that elephant in the room for now, we're currently standing with a large crowd in the park. In front of Miracle's statue was a portable stage that they had set up with a podium. There were two of those soldiers there, one standing guard on each side. There was also your stereotypical bodyguard looking guy, bald and outfitted in a suit and with an earpiece.

I tapped my arm in worry, wondering what Stromford could possibly be announcing. Who am I kidding, it's probably with that miniature army of soldiers marching through the streets like a parade. What worries me is how openly they're doing it. Whatever Stromford is doing, the heroes aren't stopping it.

And then Killian Stromford appeared. He walked over to the platform, flanked by two more of those armored soldiers. He got onto the platform, moving over to the podium. He tapped on the mic sitting on the podium, making sure it was working, before giving a big grin.

"Hello, citizens of Champion City!" He greeted. "Whether you are here in person, or watching from home..." He gestured to the sky, where a helicopter flew up ahead. There was also a drone flying in the sky, both of these no doubt live-streaming the speech for everyone not present.

"...thank you for your time." He charismatically spoke. "I don't do speeches too often, but today I would like to unveil something revolutionary for the safety of this city."

"I would like to introduce a new force that will be fighting alongside your favorite heroes, known as the Anti-Villain Machinery Force, or AVMF." Stromford continued.

The crowed murmured, a cacophony of different emotions all layered on top of each other. Sarah and I glanced at each other, sharing a nod at the clear falsity that was just told.

"These machines, are made from specialty armor and are each outfitted with their own unique technology for helping heroes in specific situations." Stromford stated. "However, I understand how that may seem worrying. Which is why I would like to reintroduce you to Prototype and Isolation."

The two of them suddenly appeared from the sky, built in jet-packs coming from their backs as they descended to the ground, very similar to Sophie's own version.

"These two here are state of the art machines, the first of the AVMF." Stromford explained. "They were launched as a test, and they have done nothing but surpass expectations. Taking out fires, stopping villains, and even smaller tasks like helping to get cats out of trees."

Lies. All lies. These two were also made to capture me and deliver me to Vandercourt for experimentation, but you aren't mentioning that now, are you?

And these soldiers cannot be robots. I clearly remember what happened when Stellar crashed through the ceiling during my scuffle with one. She crushed the soldier's head, and the result wasn't crushed metal and electronics. It was an explosion of human gore. Skin, blood, brain.

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