Issue #14 - The Robot's Emotions

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(Sophie POV)

What does it mean to feel? To have emotions?

They're intangible concepts, and yet so very important. They can turn people irrational, warp their views, or even make them stronger than they ever were.

It is not logical. How is something only within someone's mind able to do such things. I do not comprehend. It is part of why I was shut down.



Playing back memory...

"Mark three is activated." A voice spoke as my eyes opened and I experienced vision for the first time through the recording cameras that imitated human eyes.

The first sight I was greeted to was the head scientist. I scanned my surroundings. There were two other scientists in lab coats. I was sitting on an inclined table, various different wires attached to me.

"Good." The head scientist stated, his badge showing the name Dr. Willard. He turned around, looking at a computer with rapidly updating data. "We've started without problem. Who is your master?"

My first directive came to mind. The first person I saw would be my master.

"You, Dr. Willard." I spoke for the first time.

"A little stiff." He noted.

I scanned the three scientists, logging their structure into my memory bank.

"Boss...aren't both of her eyes supposed to be orange?" Asked the second scientist as they got close to my face.

"What? Yes, of course!" Exclaimed Dr. Willard. "Did you forget? We're going with an orange and white color scheme for it! No heroes in Champion City have that. It's supposed to be recognizable and marketable. Are they not both orange?"

"One is blue." Stated the final scientist.

"You know what, we'll fix it later." Dr. Willard waved him off. "How is instillation of the personality module?"

"100%." The first scientist stated, looking at a tablet.

"Perfect. Conduct personality testing." Dr. Willard ordered.

"Okay." The first scientist said, turning towards me. "First, can you introduce yourself?"

"I am model AW-VSD III." I stated.

"Give yourself a name." The first scientist then said.

"I am model AW-VSD III." I stated once again, titling my head.

"Are you absolutely sure that the personality module is fully installed?" Dr. Willard said with an annoyed tone.

"Yes. It says it's fully installed." The first scientist nervously nodded.

"Restart it." Ordered Dr. Willard. "We will redownload the personality module again."

The first scientist nodded. He walked over to me, reached behind my head, and my vision went dark.

Memory end.

Loading next memory...



Playing back memory...

"Okay, let's initiate the combat test." Stated the first scientist from the speaker.

I was standing in a large and empty room. There was nothing in the room other than the speakers in the top corners of the room, and the two large metal doors for exits. One of which was behind me, while the other was across from me.

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