Issue #77 - The Fraud Of A Brother

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"Gabriel..." The words that were supposed to follow died before they could exit my mouth. I stared at Gabriel, trying to think of something that I could say to make things better.

How do I save him from as much heartbreak as possible? I wanted to wait until he was older and could better handle it, even if it ended up in him hating me.

Do I lie? Say that I truly did fake my death? Then how was I supposed to explain knowing Aurelia, aka Mother Wasp? Tell my brother that I fell into the wrong crowd?

No. That would be disrespecting Miracle.

Which leaves one option left.

Ripping the bandaid off.

"Your eyes..." Gabriel muttered. ""

"I'm..." I sighed. "...I'm not the man you think I am, Gabriel."

Gabriel stared at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Do you know what a clone is?" I asked.

"Like in Starboy?" Asked Gabriel. "When he was fighting Mr. Multiplication?"

"Exactly." I responded with a light chuckle. "Issue number one hundred and seven. I'm..." My voice hesitated, before I took a deep breath. "...not the Jason you know. I'm not actually your brother."

"A...clone?" Gabriel asked.

"Right, you little smartie." I tried to crack a smile. "I'm a clone of your real brother. That's why unlike eyes are red."

"That's so cool!" Gabriel gasped, before phasing. "But...where is Jason?"

"He's..." My voice wavered. "...he's gone, Gabriel."

"...what?" Gabriel looked at me with widened eyes. And then what I truly meant sunk in. "H-he's..."

He sniffled, tears forming into the corner of his eyes. And then he started crying, shoulders heaving as he wailed on the bed.

It didn't want to watch. I didn't want to hear. Because every second my heart was getting torn furthermore.

"Can I hug you?" I asked.

Through his sobs I saw the faintest of nods. I got close, wrapping my arms around his frail body and holding him close to my chest. His tears flooded into my shirt, soaking it as his feeble hands clung onto me.

I lightly stroked his back with my hand, letting him cry it all out. In fact, I could feel the tears threatening to come out of me as well.

But not this time. I have to be strong for him.

I'm sorry, Gabriel.

I wish that you could have woken up to your actual brother. I wish that you didn't have to have me supporting you right now.

Once he lets go of me I should give Siren a call. I feel like she'd be a lot better than I am at making him feel better. Especially since she had to go through the same thing.

Thinking that he had returned, only to discover the worst outcome. He's dead, and replaced by a fraud. An experience quite different from mine.

I, at the very least, didn't have to experience false hope. I didn't have to wonder what had truly happened to him. I witnessed his death, right before my eyes.

And so, with little idea of what to do, I simply let Gabriel continue to cry in my arms as he realized his brother was truly gone.

And all that remained was a fake.

We stayed in that position for a long while. Even after Gabriel's sobbing had finally ceased, we continued to stay huddled together. I was going to keep holding him until he pushed me away.

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