Squidbeak Survival 3: Kimi's discovery

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Day 1

*Cough Cough*




"Where....am I?"


Kimi woke up,assuming she and her friends just....died. She sat up,everything felt and looked dizzy. She put her hand on the ground,expecting to feel nothing,but to her surprise she felt....


Kimi fully opened her eyes to see her surroundings,only to see some sand and the ocean. She stood up,not without feeling tipsy and trying to stand up.

"I....I'm alive!"

Now standing up completely,she took the time to notice her surroundings,alot of coconut trees with some fallen coconuts around them,Some bamboo trees just sticking out,palm leaves behind it all,some rocks and driftwood in the sand,and the large pile of thorns over there.

"And.....shipwreck on...an island?....*Sniff*...Wait!"

Kimi suddenly realizes,where are her friends? Where were the others? Were they okay? She shouted their names in desperation.


No response. With no other choice,she walked through the barricade of thorns,tearing her outfit and making some wounds in the process.....


Finally she made it through the thorns,only to find a bigger part of the jungle,filled with taller trees and bigger,unmovable rocks,vines hanging everywhere,bushes and berries on the ground. It didn't help that moving through the thorns took Kimi the entire afternoon,and now it was dark out. You don't know what kind of creatures lurk out in the night,preying on fresh squid...a fresh,helpless and defenseless squid. Kimi shouted again.

Even more desperate,tears flowing her eyes like a waterfall. She kept shouting,until her throat gave up.

"GUYS!?... Everyone!?"

Filled with despair...What if she killed her friends and she's the last one alive on this random hell-hole island? Oh she prayed to Cod that wasn't the case. She just hoped her friends were still alive and well on this island. If that wasn't the case,she would never live with herself again.





Kimi almost fell on the floor,more tears kept falling out,she might as well go back to where she was before. It was too dark to see or do anything anyways.

Kimi returned to the beach,with even more fresh cuts and wounds. Now she collapsed on the floor,curled up with her head on her knees and her arms covering up her head as she sobs uncontrollably.

She lied to Bernard and Naomi,Destroyed her parents' yacht,put her friends in mortal danger,and now she's stranded on an uninhabited island with no way of getting back home,and not seeing a SINGLE friend in sight.

All she wanted was a vacation and to spend time with her friends,as they were like a family to her.

And now,they're probably gone....all because of her...


Day 2

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