Squidbeak Survival 22: Night-Out

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(A/N: Still didn't find a long version. Just put it on loop. And yes, the chapter is meant to be this long.)

Bleu and Kimi went their separate ways to their rooms to sleep.

It has been a long day, everyone's back together again, and were now sleeping soundly as their island and traveling adventures had come to an end. The two of them laid down on their beds

and slept....


Day 10

It was now morning, all but one was still sleeping, since he needed to control the boat and drive home.

Bernard did not expect the trip back home would be farther than the trip searching for them, but oh well. The butler then spotted a dock close by, he figured he could just stop there, since it was morning and no one would be around to notice.

Bernard went ahead and turned on the intercom to tell the news.

"Good morning, everyone. I just wanted to announce that we will be heading to the docks soon, please be sure to pack up your belongings, as you will not come back to get them. Please be ready to go, take this time to stretch and eat, as our estimated time to the docks will be.....20 minutes. Again, please use this time to stretch and eat. Thank you."

The announcement woke everyone up....well kinda...but reluctantly some did. Some took some morning showers, others just stretched their non-existent bones, and a few went to get some of the leftover food.

After she finished her morning shower, Marie rubbed her eyes and went to the kitchen for a little snack. Almost all the meat was gone, some of the sweets were gone, some spicy and sour things were still left. The green-and-white squid sister looked around for something small, and got some macaroons to snack on.

"Ay..." (Good morning, Boss...) "Morning, Big Man."

Big Man and Marie were in the kitchen, just standing around.

Marie: "You wanted to get a snack too?"

Big Man: "Ay." (Yeah.)

Marie: "Then find what you can, almost everything's out."

Big Man: "Ay?" (Do I need to ask permission first?)

Marie: "Nah, we got like....18 minutes till we get to the docks. Don't think it would matter."

Big Man went to the fridge and looked for something to eat. While doing so, he did make some small conversation talk with Marie.

Big Man: "Ay?" (Are those Macaroons you're eating?)

Marie: "Yea, I might as well find something before we go."

Big Man: "Ay, ay." (Oh, okay.)

Marie: "...."

Big Man: "...."

Marie: "How's everything going back in Splatsville?"

Big Man: "Ay. Ay...Ay." (Everything's going fine. Some people I heard of were pretty worried about Xander and Zal not coming back...well, mostly people were worried about Zal not coming back.)

Marie: "Oh, so people were worried about Zal and Xander?"

Big Man: "Ay. Ay" (Of course no one else but their friends knows about the vacation. That doesn't say we were worried about you guys too.)

Marie: "You guys were worried?"

Big Man: "Ay! Ay." (Of course we were worried! That's why we join Bernard and Naomi on the trip.)

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