Squidbeak Survival 6: Squid Sisters and Berries

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(Warning: This chapter has been edited and has excessive cursing and some...themes? If you want to continue reading, I will put up a warning to where you want to skip it.)

Kimi had that feeling again of sensing another presence in this very cave,she turned around and started walking...carefully. It wasn't until she heard grunting noises above her,she looked up to find someone trying to pull a gem out. Kimi noticed that familiar inkling,and she called out her name.




Callie jumped from the sudden noise and accidentally fell off of the rock,Luckily Kimi reacted quickly and caught her....in her arms before she hit the ground. Callie opened her eyes,only to see Kimi.


"The one and only ^^."

Callie immediately jumped off her arms,turned away and crossed her arms,and made an angry face. This made Kimi confused at her actions.


"Callie,are you....okay?" Kimi asked in confusion.

".....I'm not talking to you." Callie responded,still not looking at her.

"What did I-Ah okay okay.....-" Kimi was about to respond before remembering why she wasn't talking to her.

"L-look,I know I just found you and you don't feel like talking to me right now,but I just want to say I'm sorry about this whole incident and for this whole trip. It's perfectly fine if you don't accept it or not, I just wanted to take this time to apologize."

"......If you can get that gem from up there for me, maybe I'll apologize." Callie replied. Kimi looked at her,Callie pointed up to where she was earlier and Kimi nodded to the gem.

"Okay, you got it."

Kimi climbed up a few rocks,while being sure she didn't get stabbed or hurt by a rock in the process. The Inkling tried to pull it out,it didn't even budge,she then had an idea. She pulls out the mini Knife Zal gave her and tries to cut and curve around it,making it move a bit the more she cuts it. By then,the green gem was cut and curved a little,and Kimi climbed back down,while making sure that she didn't break the gem in the process.

When Kimi finally got down,she handed the big gem to Callie.(The gem is big enough to be held with two hands.)

"Here you go,one nice sparkling gem for you." Kimi said happily,Callie stared in awe at the glowing gem.

"!!!" "Do you forgive me now?" "..." "I can tell from the sparkle in your eyes that you do."

"Ooooooooh,pretty...." Callie said,mesmerized by the gem. "Apology accepted."

"Great,now shall we get out of here and find the others?" Kimi asked the Inkling.

"The others? You found the others?"

"Unfortunately no,but I have Zal and Little Buddy with me. Now come on,Zal's probably waiting on us."

Even though the whole crew's not here, Callie smiled because at least two of her friends were with her, along with someone else.

The two made their way back from the cave and into the deeper parts of the jungle, while the two had a talk about what happened with each other so far.

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