Dead wish

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From: Sylvia Baker

Date: 12-18-2023

Send on: 18:57

Subject: Something you need to know

To: Tom Painter

Dear Tom,

I know we haven't been hitting it off that well or anything. You might not even take the time to read my entire message, but please do. It's very important, for your own safety and that of the people around you.

You need to leave! Take your family and leave this godforsaken place!

This town... Something is very wrong with it.

I can explain and will, but if you don't want to read it all. Please, just do as I say.

Still here?


It will take a while, because I have to start from the beginning.

So last month when I joined as your colleague, I'm pretty sure it was the 8th of November.

I don't really know how the weather was, so I won't get into any poetics.

Jane introduced us and showed me around the school.

She also introduced me to my class, 3C. A group of wonderful kids, your kid is in that class too, right?

Well, so she introduced me to all 17 of them.

Yes, you read that right, 17, not 16.

The kid missing is Elliot.

You knew him, but now you don't even remember him anymore.

But don't worry, you aren't the only one. Everyone has forgotten him.

Except for me, your daughter Nova and Jim the bus driver.

You want to know why you forgot?

I honestly can't give you the answer, but it had something to do with the incident.

You remember, don't you, when we called the police and they came for what they thought was nothing?

Back then it had just happened.

Okay, I need to take a step back.

Because, who was Elliot?

Elliot Green.

Yes, Green, son to the childless couple just a few streets away from the school.

Elliot was an incredible student, always paying attention to everyone around him. The students, the teachers and all the other people who live here in our town.

He made my work very easy, almost making me feel like he was the teacher and not me. Luckily not in an annoying way, just helping others with homework or talking to them when they were feeling down.

From the way he behaved to the way he dressed, that boy just seemed to be perfect in every way.

It felt strange at that point of time, but I didn't pay attention to that feeling back then.

Even outside of school it seemed like he was everywhere to help everyone, maybe he even really was.

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