Useless walls

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful palace, the gardens were filled with colorful, fragrant flowers and the roof of the building would shine a golden light every beginning and end of a day.

Even inside the building it was very beautiful, just as outside. There were mosaic floors and ceilings, marble walls and the softest carpets man could find.

All of these riches were for one young boy.

Maybe he could not read or write yet, nor was he able to count to ten.

He wasn't born with any strong talents either.

But he was loved.

Loved not only by his parents but by everyone around him.

And he loved them all back as well.

Maybe that was his natural talent.

To love and be loved.

One day a witch came to the palace, she tried to take the child away.

Luckily she failed, but for safety a wall was built around the building.

The palace never had walls before, so it was a first.

Another day, the boy was playing outside and got lost in the process.

Eventually some of the guards were able to bring him back home, but to protect him, another wall was built. One he was not allowed to leave.

A few years later things had started to become more difficult, there were other kingdoms trying to raid the palace, to take from the riches it had.

With the conclusion that another wall had to be built.

They all thought that more walls would mean more protection.

So for every little thing a wall was added, for every time the boy would get hurt or even cry.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added.

A wall was added...

Now, many years later, a man stops walking as he notices the rain.

It drops down on him, first softly, but soon faster and harsher.

But even so, the man stands still, for he does not dislike the rain.

In fact he enjoys it, imprisoned by love and protection, he wants to enjoy what might be the last raindrops he will ever feel.

The last he will feel from the outside.

His once beautiful gardens were destroyed by the walls.

His life turned into one of solitude by the walls.

Loneliness has become a daily feeling, one that never goes away and eats away at his energy.

As another drop hits his forehead, he wishes for something.

Maybe it's too late, but maybe...


Maybe he can at last flee this place.

But he has to be fast.

Because this could be the last of his freedom.

He needs to go, before another wall is built.

The final wall that will seal him inside forever.

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