Corpse flower

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Many people have something or someone they can call their pride and joy, for a parent it could be their child or for an inventor their invention. For me it is a little different, my pride and joy is my garden.

I've never been any good with people, or machinery, but plants are a whole other story.

They don't complain.

They don't annoy.

They don't ask the impossible of you.

They won't cause more people to come over.

I absolutely adore them.

With just a bit of water, love and the light of the sun, they can grow into the most beautiful plant you could ever imagine.

A little while ago, I had planted something new, something I haven't grown before.

You can't grow the same thing on the same land every year after all, it will make the soil go bad.

This soil has been the birthplace of many beautiful plants; Roses, sunflowers, tulips and lavender are just a couple of examples of what I've grown here previously.

As I walk out into my garden I'm immediately greeted by the greenery.

But something is strange...

The shape of the plants...

It's unlike anything I've ever seen before and the size!

It's so much better than I ever could have hoped for!

The seeds given by the strange lady really did work, I should thank her if I ever meet her again.

I give the plants what they need and go back inside the house again.

At night as I'm getting ready to go to bed, I suddenly hear a strange noise coming from outside.

It's coming from the garden.

My garden.

Did someone do something to my plants?!

Even though I'm in my pajama's I rush outside.

But as I open the door, I don't see anyone.

Carefully inspecting every nook and cranny, I shine around with my flashlight.

Only my newly growing plants greet me in silence.

Did I simply misheard?

Or perhaps it wasn't coming from my garden, but that of my neighbors?

They have always been rather noisy...

No, that's impossible.

After one last check I go back inside and lock the door behind me.

The first thing I do the next day is of course looking at the growth of my new plants.

They've grown even more and I can see some of them already changing colors.

They will bloom beautifully... I think to myself with a satisfied sigh.

My plants do seem a bit big, compared to the previous ones I've had, if this keeps up, they might need more space.

And so, I come up with a plan.

I start removing more tiles from the garden, I don't need them after all.

My plants are more important.

As the sun slowly sets and I'm covered in dirt, I finally finish.

Now they really should have enough space.

I take out my watering can, filled to the brim with crystal clear water and give it to the plants.

Another strange noise...

It sounded like a bump.

And it was coming from my plants.

I look down at the roots.

Did it come from there?

One of the roots eerily resembles something like a hand...

I take a closer look.

Thank god... It really is just a root.

I was almost afraid that some of the plant food got up.

I laugh to myself and head back inside the house.

As I lay in bed I can hear something from outside again, but this time I feel too tired to get up.

Then something seems to make a popping sound, followed by a strange smell.

A smell seemingly getting thicker and thicker, making me want to gag.

What is this?

Wait, I know...

Something is rotting.

Quickly I rush out of my bed, fear has taken control over my tired body.

I can't believe it.

The flowers have opened.

The smell is horrible, but that is definitely not the worst.

A dark mist covers the garden and I can see something moving.

I can hear something.



I shine my flashlight to see what it is, but the mist obstructs part of it.

Something is standing there.

Something between me and my plants.

Another groan.

Not from the one before me.

There are more.

They seem to have noticed me and stumble their way to me.

The one closest to me reaches out its arm to me in an unnatural way.

Quickly I slam it away with my flashlight and rush back into my house.

I lock the door behind me and start pushing furniture in front of it.

Perhaps I should have made sure that everything I buried there was really dead.

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