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"OUTTA MY WAY YOU FUCKING BRATS!!" A man yells at me as I see him approach the small path.

The path should be big enough to be able to have two people walking next to one another, but the way this angry man walks, it might just be impossible.

His face red-hot of anger, I wonder what his deal is.

"DIDN'T YA HEAR ME?!" He yells again.

"Come quickly, this way." My friend next to me says in a hurry, while climbing over the small fence.

I do the same, I don't feel safe to get any closer to the furious man.

Just in time I'm behind it and while cursing loudly the man passes us.

"Jeez, who was that guy?" I ask.

"That's Pete, he is one of the people in this town, you should NOT mess with."

"Why, is he crazy or something?"

Abel sighs: "Well it's rumored that he might have killed a man and got away with it."

"If that was true, he would still be watched by the police, right?"

"Nah, everyone knows not to mess with Pete. Not even the bravest officers get close to him."

I guess I can understand why my brother picked this town, there really are some people like him here.

My brother couldn't be more different then me, he can be quite violent when he wants to be. Always getting into fights, where I make friends and help others.

We have never been very close, he used to enjoy bullying me a lot.

He is not the kind of older brother anyone would have wished for, but still, he is my brother.

I'm glad he allowed me to stay over at his place, moving nowadays is rather costly.

I will stay at his place until I find a better one.

Perhaps some of the local and non-violent people know, if there are any.

Well there is Abel, who can't hurt a fly.

He is a nice guy, the first friend I made here and the one who is showing me around now.

"I think we can go back now." He says, looking around vigilantly.

I nod and we climb back over the fence, onto the path.

A couple of hours later I'm at my volunteering job. I help out at the local animal shelter.

"I'm glad you came." Sophia tells me.

She's a kind older lady and runs this place.

There are quite a few cats and dogs here, almost all of them have been strays at some point in time.

I like the animals, I always have. When I was younger I had always wanted to become a vet, but thanks to school being too pricey, I could let go of that dream.

Sucks, but this is the closest I can get to it now, even if it doesn't pay.

"Right, today I was going to show you where we keep the dogs." Sophia says with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice.

"Yes please, I would like that."

As we walk over the shed, Sophia continues: "There is however one thing you should know..."

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