Chapter 4

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The instant he stepped onto the ice, my heart raced. When the crowd around us sees him bolt out from behind the bench, his chants of praise tear throughout the arena. The crowd goes wild when Cash slams the opposing team's star player into the boards, cutting across the ice with the puck dancing against his stick. He's on fire tonight. My nerves tingle, and my insides burn with desire, watching him carry the puck up the right side and pass it across the ice. Louis cradles the puck with his stick, pushing past an opposing defender and takes a shot on net.

The puck bounces off the red metal bars, never meeting the white mesh net, freeing the goalie from a black assault. In an instant, Cash is all over the opposing end zone, his stick connecting with the loose puck. His thick, broad arms extend back, his stick high in the air, ready to explode with force and capture the rebound. The second his blade connects with the puck, it pierces through the air and bypasses the goalie.

The sirens go off and flicker throughout the arena. A mad hysteria of cheers echoes into the rafters and around the rink. Louis's arms extend in praise, and his smile is a mile long. He engulfs his arms around Cash, slamming him up against the glass. When Cash connects with the boards, eight guys in the crowd with B-R-U-I-S-E-R-S painted on their chests pound their fists against the glass and howl like maniacs. A few other teammates on the ice follow, patting Cash on the back and the top of his helmet.

Vaughn leans over, giggling. "Somebody sure likes to show off. I bet that one was for you, Quinny."

One down, two more to go...I think to myself, swallowing hard. Was he serious? Does a hat trick equal dinner? Oh God...

Cash climbs over the boards and locks eyes with me. My heart speeds up when he smirks at me from behind the bench. The way he makes me feel is seriously overwhelming. Not only is he downright sexy, but he is a fantastic hockey player.

"Miss Ashby?" says a young boy wearing a Bruisers jersey from the concrete steps.

"Yes," Lyndsey and I both reply in sync.

The boy looks confused and nervously glances over at Cash, whose focus is back on the game.

"I bet you're looking for Quinn, aren't you?" Lyndsey asks.

The boy nods and takes a step forward, looking right at me. "This is for you, from Mr. Brooks." He reaches across the aisle and hands me a small white box.

"Omigod, what are you waiting for? Open it already," Lyndsey shouts.

I try my hardest to suppress a smile when I see four of the most beautifully decorated cupcakes hand-frosted a vibrant purple and sculpted to resemble a rose. A little yellow sticky is stuck inside the box in his messy handwriting that says, Swooned yet?

"Omigod! Did he send you cupcakes? How sweet is that?" Lyndsey shrieks.

And as much as I want to admit I am more than swooned, I will never give him the satisfaction. A guy like Cash is used to getting his way, using his money and charm to make all the right moves and say all the right things. Tonight is supposed to be a professional business interaction, so I can get him to back off of Theo. It's not an attempt to sneakily win me over.

I politely close the box when the boy pipes up again. "These are for you too."

He reaches over a few fans, handing me four VIP passes to the team party after the game in the Bruisers Bar.

I shake my head. "I can't accept these."

I know the hockey world well enough to know that the girls invited to these after-parties are there for one reason and one reason only—to be passed around for after-game sex.

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