Chapter 6

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For the past month, it's been so amazing working for the Bruisers. Everything about sports marketing is a novelty to me – from offering exclusive content to fans to being part of a round-the-clock press, which is exhausting but exhilarating because the fans never let up on non-game days.

I've been so busy trying to keep up with the team's social media that I've had minimal involvement in dealing with the players. Fortunately, because the team spent extensive time on the road over the past month, it has given me time to focus. I've tried to push my needs and desires for Cash and his full, sculpted lips far into a dormant part of my brain.

The clicking of my high heels is the only sound accompanying my scattered thoughts as I pass the windows overlooking the arena, through the double doors, and into the reception area where the secretary sits. We say a quick hello before I head to the right and down the hallway leading to my office to start working on the preparations for the next big event for the Bruisers. I peek into Theo's office and give him a wave to let him know I've arrived. His phone is glued to his ear, and he diligently takes notes while he talks.

"Okay. Someone will be there right away." Theo seems to be wrapping up the conversation. "Yes, I recognize the value of this endorsement." He pauses and clears his throat. "Yes, I'll send her."

While Theo says goodbye to the person at the end of the line, I am distracted, inhaling the scent of freshly brewed coffee. I enter the communal kitchen and pour myself a cup before entering my office. My jacket isn't even off my body when Theo pops his head through my door with a furrowed brow.

"Don't even bother taking your jacket off." Exasperated, he pulls his cell from his pocket. "Plans have changed for today. You're picking up Brooks and bringing him to the photo shoot."

"What? Why?" I ask, taken aback. "I mean, why do I have to pick up Brooks? I thought there was a limo arranged to bring him downtown."

Theo looks me up and down, frowning. "The limo driver's transmission blew on the way to pick him up. Brooks' Harley is in the shop, and he needs a ride. I already told him you were on your way."

I stare at him in astonishment. I can't believe I have to pick up Cash. How am I supposed to watch him pose half-naked alongside some gorgeous model for his full-page spread in Men's Health without fainting? I wish there were a possible way to get out of this without quitting.

"Isn't there someone else that could go?"

"Quinn, I'm not giving you an option here. This is a huge endorsement for the Bruisers. And he's the player they want on their cover. It will fall through if he doesn't get there in the next hour. I'm counting on you."


"Quinn, you're going."

A twenty-minute car ride later, I'd got enough sweat under my armpits to fill a child-sized pool. When I pull up to the curb, I expect to be impressed by his building – but I'm more than impressed. I'm awestruck. His building is gorgeous, on a corner lot, with substantial industrial-sized windows overlooking Carrick Park and black wrought iron railings leading up the concrete steps.

Cash swims into focus, walking down the front steps and onto the sidewalk. I swallow hard, admiring his hard, taut body in a tight pair of jeans stalking towards the passenger side door. It isn't fair how good he looks this early morning or how his already dark skin appears even more sun-kissed against his white shirt.

"Good morning, Mittens." He smiles, letting those infuriating dimples do their worst. "It's easier if you take a picture; it lasts longer."

Returning a self-assured grin, I slide my sunglasses from my eyes to the top of my head and give him my steadiest eye contact. "Don't flatter yourself. I wasn't looking at you. I was admiring your building." I jerk my gaze away from his wet lips, and he slides onto the seat, running his hand absentmindedly through his hair.

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