Ch.1 ~ Blood

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Y/n's POV

it's been a month since I started working as a "bodyguard" for Rafayel. When I'm not working jobs for the UNICORNS, I'm here at his studio on Whitesand Bay.

It's a pretty boring job.

Tara and Thomas really weren't lying when they told me the man spent half his life locked away in his studio. It was a repetitive routine day in and day out with him. Walking in, sit on the sofa, sleep, walk around and listen to the strokes of a paintbrush against whatever canvas he was working on.

Like I said BO-RING...

I mean, I could be out hunting with Xavier or annoying Zayne at the hospital, but no! I'm here, lying on the surpriseingly comfortable sofa in Rafayels studio basking in the sunlight which came through the floor to ceiling window while listening to them damn paint brush strokes.

Honestly sometimes I wish a wanderer would appear just so I'd have something interesting to do.

I sighed for the enth time this evening, eyes fluttering shut as the warm blanket of the sunset sun heated me up. Like a cat, I purred and curled into a ball on the sofa enjoying the heat.

A tranquility set in the air and for a brief moment the sounds of Rafayels paint brush didn't annoy me... In fact it wasn't even brushing at all. My eyes remained closed as my ears perked, waiting to hear the noise of bristles against the canvas.

But it never came...

Alarm bells rang like sirens in my head as I jumped up and looked around the room. The sight that greeted me was gruesome.

The once blue canvas of the ocean Rafayel was working on was streaked in red with giant claw marks running through the canvas. Blood loitered the ladder he'd sit on while he worked. There was even blood on the walls, floors and ceiling of his work space.

"Rafayel?" My voice called out, barely above a whisper.

When no response came throughout the studio, panic and dread coursed through me as I pulled out my gun. It was obvious that only one kind of creature was capable of doing this.


But how hadn't I detected it! Neither my hunters watch or evol had picked up on the Metaflux of a wanderer. Furthermore they aren't the quietest of creatures so how the hell did it get past me.

Also why didn't it attack me?

With a few clicks to my hunters watch, I contacted someone back at base. "Alpha base, this is Hunter Y/n, a situation at Whitesand Bay has occurred, possible casualty, conducting solo investigating now." When the coms beeped I began to move. Searching the studio of any signs of Rafayel.

Nothing on the inside indicated his presence.

Hesitantly, I stepped outside and almost instantly my evol was alerting me of the Metaflux of several wanderers nearby.

Bringing my watch up to my lips, I clicked the coms button once more. "Alpha Unit, I am detecting several wanderers in the area. Will begin a solo mission to eliminate the targets, backup will be required."

Once confirmation was received from Captain Jena, I moved out, stepping out of the gates of Rafayels garden and onto the sand of Whitesand Bay.

Barely five steps from the gate and I encountered my first set of enemy.


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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