Ch.4 ~ Luminivores

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Y/n's POV

Luminivores were only a C-grade wanderer as they have no shields. Their origins trace back to light and darkness, preferring to hide in the shadows before they step out to attack. They use sharp purple melee spikes which protrude from their elbow bone.

Despite having no shield the Luminivores were capable of shape shifting. As far as I've encountered there are three forms of the Luminivores. I'd also learnt that the changes happen when exposed to light.

The general changes in their appearance doesn't differ too much, at first they stand at 5 foot tall, skinny, lanky, boney with small heads.

Stage two they grow in height and gain some muscle allowing them to produce stronger attacks.

Stage three they buff out again and grow in height, only this time its face becomes helmeted with purple spikes sticking out from their elbows, wrists, knees and ankles.

The third form is their strongest however when I've fought them before with Xavier I found that using our speciality evol skill followed by a combo attack and maybe one of Xavier's light attacks usually eliminates them.

It's a shame I'm on my own this time... and facing six of them will prove to be a hassle, especially when I'll have different classes attacking me at once, once I start attacking.

An image of Rafayel in pain flashes through my mind as I remember all the blood I've seen.

"Never mind that... There's no time for doubt when a friend's life is on the line." I muttered in determination, running forwards firing my guns at two Luminivores ahead of me.

As I draw closer to their personal bubble I dodge their attacks by jumping and flipping over their head landing behind them. As I do this manoeuvre I hold the triggers on my guns charging a powerful shot.

When my feet connect once again with the ground, I spin around faster than light releasing the triggers and watching as a powerful bullet is released from both guns into the backs of the two Luminivores.

They melt to the ground disappearing into a purple puddle. I quickly jumped a few spaces backwards watching as the two Luminivores regenerate in their second phase.

While this happened another Luminivore closes in for an attack, landing the blow and punches my gut. Moving away from it I cough aggressively a few times before resuming my attacks.

'You can afford to get distracted when they regenerate, Y/n.' I scolded myself.

After all, these were some of the easier wanderers to take down. While they have strong attacks they are still only a low level wanderer. Given my experience since joining the unicorns, handling a group of Luminivores alone should be a piece of cake.

Focusing my mind once again on the battle, I quickly handle the luminivore which managed to land a blow to my gut before jumping out the way of another.

The one to attack me was one of the phase 2 Luminivores which failed in landing a hit.

Noticing my guns had charged up enough energy to use its active skills, I locked onto the phase 2 Luminivore, sliding a switch on the side of my guns to power charge the release of the next bullet.

Holding the trigger for no more than five seconds, I released the powerful bullet watching it blast the level 2 Luminivore backwards and away from me.

Just as I went to focus my attention onto another level 1 Luminivore a voice echoed ever the sound of the screeching aliens and my panting breath.

"Y/n, look out!" A familiar voice yelled from behind me, drawing my attention to where it came from only to see the melee spike of a level 2 Luminivore headed straight for my body.

Everything began to move in slow motion...

Guns still pointed at the level 1 Luminivore approaching from in front of me but my gaze fixed on the melee inching closer.

I blinked...

And in that blink of an eye I was teleported from the middle of the room back over to where I had entered the room at the base of the slope.

I stumble slightly from the unexpected teleportation, hands clasping my shoulders.

Looking up and behind me I saw the familiar puppy doe blue eyes and platinum blonde hair which belonged to my wanderer fighting partner, Xavier.

And boy was I glad to see him.



To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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