Ch.3 ~ Cave

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Y/n's POV

Following the trail of Metaflux, I was led to a cave at the far west side of the bay. The cave entrance was at the base of the cliffs leading into the dark unknown.

I climbed the small hill of pebbles that led to the entrance. Sensing stronger fluctuations by both my evol and hunters watch as I drew closer.

Before entering the cave, I paused when the smear of something red painted the right side wall of the entrance.

Looking at my feet I notice similar splotches on the pebbles leading into the cave. I crouched down and poked the liquid like substance with my gloved finger.

I knew what it was at first sight. Yet some part of me still felt compelled to touch the stuff and confirm that it was indeed blood.

Human blood.

Worry etched onto my face.

The trail of blood wasn't big, a few droplets painting the ground. But the smeared blood on the wall of the cave entrance concerned me. It was a heavy shade of crimson as it seemed to drag on into the darkness of the cave.

A shaky breath wracked through my body. It wasn't uncommon for wanderers to kill and attack humans.

But to kidnap them was unheard of.

Baffled by the strange behaviour I began to venture into the cave. The only source of light I had on me was the torch light on my phone.

Inside the cave, the sound of water dripping from the ceiling and walls echoed around me alongside the sounds of my shoes which clicked against the stone floor, occasionally followed by a small splash as I stepped in a puddle.

As I ventured further in I noticed the once high ceiling lowering to the point I was having to walk hunched over. That was till I made it to this slope, I knew I would have to slide down to get into the lower part of the cave.

A gasp escaped my lips however when I shone my torch on the slope, seeing the glistening colour of crimson smearing down the centre of the slope.

I gulped imagining Rafayels body being tossed down the slope, sliding down and clamouring against the cold, wet, hard, stone floor at the end.

Shutting my eyes, I shake the thoughts away before positioning myself to slide down the slope feet first.

Landing at the end of the slope opened up into a round open space, to the left of the open space was another path. I began to walk across the open space which was strangely lit in a purple aura.

My steps were cautious, guard up as I sensed that imminent danger was lurking in the shadows. And I was right. The moment I crossed the centre of the open space 6 Luminivores' appeared from the shadows.

Eyes widening in shock that so many had appeared in one space.

I failed to notice one rushing at me from behind, till the slashing and slicing of metal sounded in the air behind me and a pain erupted on my right shoulder.

I jumped away gripping my now injured shoulder and letting out an annoyed 'TCH.'

Standing up I got into battle stand my guns drawn and ready to commence round 2 of my fight to save Rafayel.

'Just hold on Rafayel.'


To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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