Ch.9 ~ A Forgotten Memory

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Y/n's POV

"Alright class, listen up! Each of you has a sheet of paper attached to a clipboard with a pencil. Your task is to search the beach for the items listed on the paper and tick them off. Place the items in your buckets then bring them back here. And remember, stay within shouting distance, dismissed." The teacher said, her features were blinded by the blinding light of the sun.

I looked around me confused where I was, a little boy whose face was just as blurred as the teachers ran towards me talking to his friend. As I went to warn the boy of my presence he passed straight through me causing a shiver to run up my spine.

I looked at my hands shocked. 'Could they not see me?' I asked myself.

In slow motion the kids around me continued to race off along the beach in a disarray of blurred faces and different hair colours. It almost reminded me of paint that had been splattered onto a canvas.

That's when my eyes caught sight of a girl, no taller than 3 foot 6 inches, her H/L H/C hair flowing behind her in the wind as she slowly walks off on her own towards the west side of the beach.

She seemed familiar.

'Wait.' I paused as I went to follow the girl, taking in the island. 'Is this Hat Island?'

I shrugged and watched as she picked things up, placed them in her bucket, then checked them off her list. She was a bit further away than the rest of the kids, headed towards a big grey rock which sat centred randomly on the sand.

A small tune escaped her lips, she seemed content enough working alone, swinging her bucket while she collected seashells, pebbles, seaweed and all sorts. Unlike the others who gathered together in groups or pairs searching for the items with their friends.

The tune she was humming sounded familiar to my a song I hadn't heard in a very long time.

I watched her closely as she knelt down by the grey rock, dipping her hand into the rock pool's water and poking at a Beadlet anemone, the red jelly-like blob slowly opening to reveal its short tentacles.

With a small giggle the girls stand back up and begins to walk around the rock. I continue to follow her, strangely drawn to the young girl.

A small gasp leaves her lips as she rounds the rock, bucket clattering against the sandy floor beneath her feet. She stares on ahead, frozen in her place. Confused I look in the direction she was and much like she had, I gasped at the spectacle before me.

Sitting at the waters edge sprawled out was a boy who was staring at the girl with just as much shock as I imagined her face to be holding. But there was also bewilderment and slight fear.

The same sense of familiarity I felt to the girl washed over me when I glanced upon the boy.

Who could blame the boys reaction to the girl though?

This boy wasn't like any other boy she'd ever met or seen, he couldn't be much older than she was. He laid or leant back on his hands by the shoreline, brown hair with streaks of blue and purple running through the short curly locks. Dazzling eyes which shone purple in the shade and blue under the reflection of the sea.

His skin wasn't quite the same as the girls, scales of silver and blue decorated parts of his face, neck, arms and exposed torso. Yet despite the odd appearance upon first glance, what really draws your eyes to the boy is where his torso, not yet well defined though still slender, slim and healthy, met with the long scaly tail of a fish.

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