Chapter 400

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Slowly but surely, my vision begins to become clear again, and my legs stop trying to give way under me.

I begin to focus on my heart beating and heavy breathing slow back down to normal.

The pain in my body ceases, but most of the fatigue stays the same. Even so, I step off the teleport platform back into the white training room, and the green glow of Abby's rune on the floor dissipates as well.

I accept the incoming hug from Maria and hear her speak in a worried tone.

"What was that all about? Don't you think that was a little too risky...?"

We step back from each other, and I reply.

"Yes... it was, but I didn't quite have a choice in the matter."

My eyes dart around the room and see the scene I just caused. Some hunters are waking up, while others are still out cold on the ground or foaming at the mouth.

"I'll explain later."

She nods, and I watch Abby turn around to use a much lighter version of healing magic on the entire room for a split second before turning back.

"Pretty impressive fight. It looks like you actually went all out."

I sigh and walk closer as she eyes my burnt cloak up and down.

"Yeah... If I had the option, I wouldn't do it again..."

Even walking now, my energy stores feel completely drained. I don't know by how much exactly, but it feels as if a portion of my red Hydra's Buff has completely been destroyed.

It really is borrowed energy. Just like the Ghouls, once it runs out, I'll be left with only my own power. I may have another stone left in my storage, but this only proves my point further that this energy resource is finite.

"We need to get stronger."

I whisper while walking past both of my teammates with a half-dazed look in my eyes.

The only thing on my mind is every moment of that battle replaying in my head. The Wraith had the upper hand every instant of that match. It was only defeated because of brute strength, will power, and the perfect combination of using multiple skills and hidden abilities.

On top of all of this, that was the so-called weakest of the Dark Guards. There are 12 supposedly stronger... and one can only assume the Dark One is much stronger to order these guards around.

The monsters in this city are far out of my league... So far out that they don't even see me as a threat, more so just entertainment. They let me do as I please while inside these walls because they know I can't lay a finger on them.

I continue walking forward slowly through the training room, now suppressing my mana aura as many other fighters get up from the floor.

The Legacy Fighters congratulate me on my victory, and Monk praises me for my talents in the ring, but I can hear by his undertones he understands the seriousness of the situation as well.

Above us, the crowds slowly disperse, and many fighters get in line to sign up with Mr. Wright again before leaving the room. Once he gets to me in line, I politely decline.

"I may be busy tomorrow. I don't think I'll be showing up."

He smiles and nods.

"Very well, even if you show up late, you're always welcome here."

The crowds finally calm down, and we go upstairs to leave the arena. Max invites us all to the restaurant bar again, food and drinks on him to repay the gamble payout he won on my 8th Stage match.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now