Chapter 477

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As the sun fully sets, I go to the canyon of dungeons and teleport back to the labyrinth to update Ember and my double on the news.

Afterward, one of my doubles that was farming the labyrinth takes the post of surveillance on the town while Ember and my final double continue their dungeon collapsing.

I receive a single small flake of luminite straight into my storage and a confirmation that my double is holding enough containment stones to charge another pod up to nearly 50x right now. I take this information to mind while teleporting back to a dungeon inside the Vice City dungeon hub, then change my appearance back to a D-Grade hunter and walk through town.

Once I pick up this order, I'll bring this news back to my teammates.

As soon as I walk through the front door of the office building, a commotion fills my ears.

Multiple businessmen talk to each other with concerned tones.

"Did you hear? There was a dungeon break that broke through the protective barriers of the Hub's shielding protection?"

"Impossible. No monster has ever broken through; it's supposed to be A-Grade rated. No monsters are even that strong."

"It's true! Not too far away either, they're investigating and mending the shielding right now down the street."

"It was really that close by? I heard not a single monster even got out. The Association must have deployed their strongest team to take care of it before the city was in danger."

I don't mind their chatter, because if I'm not mistaken, I'm the monster they're talking about. Breaking through the ground and protective barrier of the dungeon hub wasn't the stealthiest move I could have pulled while leaving earlier. However, it was definitely worth it. I made it back to Sector 2 just in time.

It really doesn't matter to me how much chaos I cause here; I merely see this city as a playground to be used for my wants and needs. The more work I cause for the Vice Region's branch of the Association the better. I hope they dig around this mystery for as long as they can. They won't find a thing.

As soon as I get to the desk at the back of the room, the receptionist from before greets me with a smile. He speaks up even before I do.

"Back so soon? It's almost like you disappeared into thin air; how can I help you, sir?"

"Well, I believe my order is ready to pick up; I paid your father upstairs for an express delivery."

He rings the bell again and tells the older woman named Tracey working there to go upstairs and relay the news.

She comes back down a few minutes later with a clipboard in hand and a large set of keys with a smile on her face. Then, looks at me and motions for me to follow.

"Right this way, I'll bring you to the warehouse where we've sourced all your goods."

We walk out the front door together and I begin to follow her through the dimly lit streets and into the warehouse district.

Her heels click on the hard sidewalk and her fingers tap a pen on the clipboard, completely out of rhythm with her steps.

On top of that, many sounds fill the streets. There are metal and wood factories still processing materials at full capacity, workers leaving as they get off their shifts, and some new workers arriving for their night shifts to start.

After walking through the lively area, we finally arrive at a massive warehouse district and stop at the side of a wide building that stretches further than many sports fields put together.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now