Chapter 417

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I take a step forward at her request, doing a full analysis of the curved wall of shimmering mana in front of me.

My perception skills and buffs are activated out of instinct at a constant rate just like they were when I was training in the titan's domain for 6 months straight. With this, and my absurdly high level of natural mana control, I'm able to see through the barrier and still make eye contact with Bri standing inside through what looks to be a semi-transparent mirror made of water.

However, my goal here isn't to overpower her new ranked-up buff, I'd like to see what an opponent at similar or lower mana control would experience if they walked into this [Domain of Total Illusion].

So, I deactivate my buffs and limit my mana control to not add any extra power to my senses. Instead, it just acts as a dense defensive layer. My perception of the flowing mana in the dungeon around me drastically drops and to my surprise, even the shimmering sphere of mana around Bri's body disappears too.

I reply to her request for me to step inside.

"Sure, show me what you can do."

Then step forward, plunging headfirst into the space where moments ago I perceived a wall of mana.

The moment my face enters her domain, I feel a cold gust of wind blow my hair to the side. As I take another step closer, the flat ground beneath my feet becomes rocky, then a cold sensation creeps up my shins.

I take in a deep breath of air and look around as frozen air enters my lungs and the view from the peak of an icy mountain materializes all around me.

I look down at my feet, and I'm stood on a small rocky surface with no more than a meter of room on either side to walk. There's a cliff-like dropoff and a huge mountain range covered in light snowy powder in all directions for as far as my eyes can see.

I turn my head back and forth, then bring my hands up in the air to look at them both in front of my face to see how real it all feels...

Then, with no warning at all, reality around me begins to shift. The sky changes from the light blue coloring to a shade of green and leaves and branches start to materialize above me. The mountains down below in the snow-covered valley rise up to make flat ground and morph into dense trees and lush greenery as the snow melts away.

The air becomes hot and humid as the jungle clearing we just left on the 25th floor feels as if it's real and right in front of me.

Birds chirp and insects even buzz as my eyes wander around the lively lush greenery for a few seconds.

Just as I'm getting used to it, the ground beneath my feet disappears and the sensation of falling takes over my senses. My feet hit a hard wooden floor, and Bri's dimly lit 3rd-floor office comes into full view.

The walls have random rare trinkets and items, and even her desk is covered in papers and gems. I hear footsteps approach from in front of me, then out of nowhere, Bri materializes in the middle of the room less than 2 meters away. She smiles and brings a finger up in the air, swiping it like she would on a tablet or screen.

The world around me shifts every time she does, switching from grassland dungeons, to mountainous regions, to soaring high through the sunset clouds, to dry hot deserts, on the edge of a volcano, and even in front of a roaring ocean wave about to crash down on us.

She finally speaks up as she shifts the world again, right before the sea's heavy water crushes us, and we sit back in the image of her office room.

"It's pretty interesting, isn't it?"

I nod with a spark of awe in my eyes.

"Yeah, fascinating... This is quite the ranked-up buff."

The thought of all its possibilities runs through my mind. Not only is it an excellent skill mid-battle to completely confuse an opponent, it could be excellent to use for business too. Bri has really only showed me the nice and sunny side of things here, but it could surely be used as a negotiating tactic or way to interrogate enemies without doing them any real physical harm. It would only be psychological.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now