Chapter 450

576 53 13

The transport magic around me disappears, and I stare out at a marshland of deep swampy water, lush green trees, and flickering blue flames oddly staying lit on top of the water and not spreading to the greenery.

My eyes lock onto the one and only appraisal reading in this whole boss room, and I dungeon walk over to it without wasting a second.

The bright blue scales and glowing sharp eyes of a level 789 Blue Wyvern Boss lock onto me, and I see its mana shielding cover its entire body while it prepares to send waves of blue flames my way, but I can tell this monster is no match for me.

Using only my mana control, I take my sword from my storage, activate my buffs, and release a thin blade of flames down on the beast below me.

The crescent of flames splits it in half the long way, and even separates the marshland below, evaporating water and destroying trees for over 20 meters in all directions. The water soon flows back to its natural state as the corpse lies in two pieces on the floor.

There isn't even another sound to escape the monster's mouth; all I hear are two level-up notifications, bringing me to level 767 while I absorb its available MCP.

As the body dissolves away into the marsh, a bright blue crystal is left behind in its place, and it makes the water bubble and churn around it.

As my appraisal skill locks in a reading to find that it's a fire stone, I can't help but let out a chuckle while opening an item storage portal and letting it fall inside.

"Really? I tried to find one of these for hours... all I had to do was face the boss room."

I roll my eyes as the transport magic takes me to the next floor.

[Level Up] x82

[+1PP] x6

[+722 Mental Strength]

[+816 Strength]

[+146,110,205 MCP]

[Iron Fist][Legendary Grade]

The next 5 floors move by very quickly. I make it to level 849 without breaking a sweat, or even having to use any of my Qi.

Using dungeon walker and enemy detection, I'm able to pinpoint mobs near my level and instantly kill them, teleporting around a dungeon and clearing every monster inside it in less than 10 minutes per floor.

I try to kill in ascending order to maximize the amount of PP gains I can. Even so, the process is very quick. I've been desperately needing to bring my level up to my ability for a long time now; it feels good to go all out. The rush of constant level-ups and base stats rising is a great sensation.

One notable floor on my way up is the 33rd. It has an Elite form of Yetis that all wield Extreme Ice magic; they drop element stones every 30 or so kills. Unfortunately, my absorption skill isn't high enough in proficiency to upgrade advanced to Extreme skills yet, but based on my speedy progression here, I can tell I'll be back here soon enough.

However, on the 34th floor, I came across earth golem monsters with a skill called [Iron Fist]. It is a form of body hardening that only forms around the user's hands, and greatly increases the force, impact, and hardness of a punch in hand-to-hand combat. I absorb it, but as hand-to-hand isn't my normal fighting style, I don't plan to use it very much.

[Level Up] x67

[+1PP] x4

[+190,990,345 MCP]

After beating the 36th and 37th floors without the use of any Qi either, one-shotting everything in my path, and reaching level 916, the 38th floor comes along, and I finally face opponents that give me a hint of trouble.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now